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Just a note of caution for SWA interviewees.

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Ex-AMF Scallywag!
Jul 8, 2003
Interviewed last month at SWA, unfortunately was not successful at this time. However my misfortune is inconsequential compared to one of my fellow interviewees who got a call and then a couple of days later got a rejection letter!

Upon following up with the people dept. he found out they made a "mistake" in putting him on the call list. So a guy who was on cloud nine is now devastated because the job offer has been rescinded.

While I don't doubt that this was an innocent mistake on the part of SWA, its consequences to the affected individual are not. Although apolagies were issued in my opinion I feel the honorable thing for SWA to do was to have stood by their original offer of employment.

Moral of story: although unlikely to happen again, if you get the call don't chuck in your day job yet!
Whoa. Bummer!

I still think if we chose not to hire the person, then we shouldn't hire them on the basis of a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time.

The last guy that was perfect got nailed to a cross ( if you know what I mean).
Offer + Acceptance = Contract, but....

Offer plus Acceptance is a contract in the eyes of the law. BUT, while on probation we are essentially "at will" employees and can be fired at any time for any reason, rational or not. While SW has probably committed a breach of contract by now rescinding the offer, there is not much that can be done about it, and no real damages to be compensated. I feel for the guy - this really blows. I wish him luck.
Offer plus Acceptance is a contract in the eyes of the law. BUT, while on probation we are essentially "at will" employees and can be fired at any time for any reason, rational or not. While SW has probably committed a breach of contract by now rescinding the offer, there is not much that can be done about it, and no real damages to be compensated. I feel for the guy - this really blows. I wish him luck.

Just FYI. SWA NEVER offers employment during these stages of the "process."

When I got the call, I was told "Congratulations, we'd like you to continue the process..." Then you do the pee test. Then you sit and wait for a class.

They are very communicative, but at no time did anyone ever OFFER ME A JOB which is how they cover their butts.

When the CPO calls you it is a CONDITIONAL offer of employment, usually pending the outcome of your background check but not limited to that.
When the CPO calls you it is a CONDITIONAL offer of employment, usually pending the outcome of your background check but not limited to that.
I find it somewhat dissappointing that we have to get into "legalese" of what the job offer constitutes. As for myself I always thought SWA to have a higher degree of integrity regarding the treatment of its customers, employees and potential employees.

When reading the book Nuts, I remember a paragraph by Herb stating to the effect that "if we say something we do it" i.e we mean what we say. I also remember reading of a corporate culture that cements policy on a verbal agreement.

With the current state of the industry have the values of SWA changed? I hope not but this incident certainly has me wondering.
In the old days

10 year ago they most likely would have hired him in a heartbeat. Back then 500 hr DA-20 PIC were head of the line. Now they can be more chosey.
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Upon following up with the people dept. he found out they made a "mistake" in putting him on the call list. So a guy who was on cloud nine is now devastated because the job offer has been rescinded.

While I don't doubt that this was an innocent mistake on the part of SWA, its consequences to the affected individual are not. Although apolagies were issued in my opinion I feel the honorable thing for SWA to do was to have stood by their original offer of employment.

Although it is an unfortunate mistake made by the PD, there have been instances in the past that when a candidate has been given the go-ahead yet did not make it to class for various reasons.
The guy may be a great guy who bombed the interview. He may be arrogant and hard to talk to. I don't know which it is but I think it is a stretch to say that they should have hired him because they made a mistake in calling him. If he is the latter, should they hire him and have to deal with the consequences for the next 30 years? This mistake doesn't say anything about the company, it's just unfortunate. I feel for the guy but don't think they should hire him over it.
10 year ago they most likely would have hired him in a heartbeat. Back then 500 hr DA-20 PIC were head of the line. Now they can be more chosey.
Not really. Maybe 15-20 years ago.

10 years ago was 1997, I was flying PIC for Flexjet, and MANY of us were trying to get on with Southwest.

Very, very few people got the call. In fact, the majority of people who DID leave Flexjet went to AA, United, and Delta.

Weren't very many 500 hr PIC jet ANYONE getting hired on at SWA in '97.

That said, major, major bummer.

I agree with the previous advice. Until you are given a FIRM class date, I wouldn't tell ANYONE, and even then keep it under my hat except for giving 2 week's notice until my last day at work.

Crow pie sucks...

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