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jobs near PNS

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2004
Hey guys I'm about to be furloughed soon and I'm actively seeking a job in the Pensacola/Mobile area. I've already sent resumes to the usual suspects (FLX, PGX, SATSair), anyone know of anything else or have contacts at any of these companies? FLX was sort of a bust because it looks like BFM is no longer a base for them but there's got to be more out there. Reply here or PM. Thanks!

Sorry to here about your job. Unfortunately, the pns/mob/bfm and surrounding areas are pretty dead in the corporate industry. I have been actively searching since Oct myself. My company sold the plane:( If push comes to shove you might try Bay Minnette airport. Sky Warrior, LLC has a very strong flight school with a huge military contract. can keep you busy and pay is above industry average for instructing. wish could be more help.

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