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Jobs in Nor Cal Area

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2006
...or So Cal....

Looking for Corp. or steady, good paying 135 gig (I know...insert joke here!) or if any Fractional is reading this (HIRE ME!).

Quals: 6K total, 3700 mel, 585 twin turbine (112 SIC), 90 hrs KA specific. Done everything from pump gas to run an FBO, from Instruction to Charter to Freight Dawgin' to Low-level to being the Chief Pilot. Current ATP with SD3 type. Current 1st class med. Current CFII/MEI. Even have a little Twotter time! I even know how to start a Garrett! (My only hot start was the first and last time that will happen!...knock wood)

Anyways...if you know something don't keep it to yourself. I (and many others on this board) are looking!


P.S. PM me for full resume...and if I'm in your neck of the woods on a charter I'll buy you lunch...I have a company credit card!
Job lead

Try Sunset Aviation www.sunsetaviation.com They have bases at Concord, Sacramento, and HQ at Gnoss Field (San Rafael). They have been advertising quite a bit for pilots as they are expanding considerably.
HP was hiring recently out of SJC...
Check 6 said:
Try Sunset Aviation www.sunsetaviation.com They have bases at Concord, Sacramento, and HQ at Gnoss Field (San Rafael). They have been advertising quite a bit for pilots as they are expanding considerably.

Gnoss is in the northern part of Novato before you get into the Petaluma area... crappy airport for x-winds. They have quite a few of their larger jets flying out of STS (Santa Rosa) I believe. If you were to inquire about it and had to move to the area, definately stay out of Marin County as you will be faced with a huge cost of living expense, much cheaper to live farther north.
Thanks guys...I know all of those operators and unless I want to live in a 800 sq ft apartment in the Bay Area....they're not for me. Sunset chews up pilots and spits them out about every 6 months is the rumor I've heard.

Haven't checked out SkyTrek yet, they are on the list.

I was looking for something that might come up off the radar so to speak. I'm a pretty loyal employee but my nose ain't brown. You pay me...I work for you. I get the job done to your satisfaction within the limits of my abilities.

Nor Cal

The only 2 that I know of Kaiser out of OAK and XOjet out of Monterrey, CA. I don't know anyone at either, but I have heard of xojet here on the forum.
I have a great friend that I flew with at a major who flies for Sunset. According to him the pay is at or above NBAA average, equip in newer, Mx actually fixes airplanes and management has aviation experience in aviation (uncommon these days it seems) and they make money. Not sure what CDogg is referring to.

I also heard they have dispatch that is in the office 24 hours a day which is nice for those o'dark shows. Just what I've heard. Probably worth checking out.

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