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jobs in DC/manassas area

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2005
Any info on CFI / 135 jobs in the DC / manassas area would be appreciated.

I'd like to be able to do some CFI work on the weekends / after work to build experience (time / PIC skills/judgement)...


AV-ED in Leesburg seems to really be a first class operation for a flight school if you wanted to do some instructing. They also have operations at Vienna and Winchester. I did a little bit of training with them, met some instructors and saw the aircraft and they seemed like a reputable and professional company. Don't know about hiring though. www.av-ed.com
Yes AV-ED - would be my recommendation as well. They are definitely looking for instructors - pretty much always are. Plenty of students to go around there.
ReportCanoa said:
Utilize some good judgement and don't apply at Chantilly Air.

Hey can you do the guy a favor and answer his question. Why not?????? Who are you? You for sure havn't worked there.

I worked at Dulles Aviation at Manssas. Its a pretty big school and the instructors are usually pretty busy. There were a few guys that would only teach on weekends and evenings because they had real jobs and were just doing the CFI thing on the side. Tom Adams is the Cheif Instructor there and he runs a pretty tight ship. They have about 25 or 30 planes and about 25 or so CFI's. When I was there in 2001 I flew 100-120 hours a month and the pay rates were 17/18/19 hr for pvt/comm,inst/multi instuction. Dunno if the pay went up or anything. Mx there is by far the best out of any school I ever taught at and probably better than the airlines I have flown for. If something breaks its usually fixed same day unless its big then it might take a few days. Mx is done on site and they have 15 or so mechanics that work there. Number is 703-361-2171.
Great Corholio,
I left DC area in 2001 and moved to SEA. I got all my ratings except CFIs in HEF at Dulles. At the time the only alternative was Flight tech which changed ownership on montly basis.
AvED is a big school, so is Aviation Adventures.

Give Tom a call and send your resume. I still keep in touch with people at Dulles Aviation. It's a great company owned by great bunch of people.

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