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...these guys have'nt the first clue what a fu^king scab is....

...DID you PAY for your training when you went there? Well if you did then some people can call you a SCAB for lowering the bar in the aviation industry....

The "some people" to which networ-king refers would be equally clueless as to the definition of the "S" word

Just an observation.

You post is nicely thought out and quite good in my opinion. You are absolutely right about the "some people" in the above post that are pretty clueless as to the definition of the word SCAB when it pertains to pay for training. I in no way was putting CHQ down when I said the word WHORES. I used that from stop wexford's post. He implies that others such as TSA, MESA etc... are the whores when CHQ is one of the lowest paying commuters out there. I commend you guys for trying to bring up the bottom line, but to call a guy a SCAB if he goes to Republic is just plain ignorant. I see you quals and I see that you have low time, Heck look at my total time and I consider myself low time. Now look at the guys that the J4J's thing is going to employ from USAIR that are on furlough and their hire dates are 1988. Let me put you in the same room as that guy and then you guys can figure this whole thing out. When Freedom started I had a good chance to go over there........ note my screen name....... But when I called my MEC and talked to them and all of my friends out west, they educated me about the loopholes and the practices of Mesa management and hence that idea was canned immediately. Now this Republic thing........ I have called and checked with my MEC and they had to do some digging..... well I got a call back and Republic got a thumbs up. Now am I going to sit here and listen to a few guys on this forum or am I going to trust my MEC. I'll stay informed and make an educated and well thought out decision in time. Its just sad to see people here contradicting themselves and throwing the SCAB word around like they know what the FU&K it means. Now SKULL, that guy on the jump seat...... yeah that would be a SCAB 100% and I hope to god the Captain stopped the ship, opened the door and kicked his a$$ out.

And please don't get me started on this SCOPE thing. Right now Delta is mishmashing all DCI flying between SKYWEST, ASA, COMAIR, ACA, CHQ.......mmmm I don't recall TSA doing anymore Delta crap, but at one point I was certain of it....... and they are accomplishing their goals better then ever expected...... look how everybody is fighting with each other. I am glad that you guys are taking a stand and hope it works out for you guys....... go ahead and roast away.................
Networ-King said:

I in no way was putting CHQ down when I said the word WHORES. I used that from stop wexford's post. He implies that others such as TSA, MESA etc... are the whores when CHQ is one of the lowest paying commuters out there.


Now SKULL, that guy on the jump seat...... yeah that would be a SCAB 100% and I hope to god the Captain stopped the ship, opened the door and kicked his a$$ out.

Just remember that our contract was above average when it expired, at least for turboprops. We also have some duty rules and other QOL things that made up for the pay (I'll take a lower rate to have 12 days off a month over 10 any day). We're a contract behind everyone (and nearly three years behind on *that* one) so it's apples and oranges to say we're among the lowest paid. Technically yes, but it's not because we're bottom feeders. It's because our Neogitation process has dragged on and on and on.

As for kicking the guy off the J/S, I think they were at FL 260 when he said it. I guess timing is everything.
....cross a picket line??? WTF??
A few things...

#1: Maybe the CHQ training Mgr will leave to go to Republic!
That would be a bonus.....

#2: Anyone crossing the picket line should get kicked in the nuts and denied the J/S and anything else that can be denied for the rest of his/her career.

#3: It's my understanding that US Air told their union that they would sue if they did not support Republic. That's understandable, the pilots have a choice though! Republic may or may not start, either way, You do not have to fly for Republic.

that's it for now.....

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