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Job in India?

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uh hmm...ok...Why dont you lighten up Bunny?

It was meant as a joke but there is always someone like you who leaps at the chance to act as the hero of the third world.

The fact that you throw the word "ignorance" out so freely toward people you know nothing about is in itself ignorant.

You came across as ignorant, not funny. Take yer lumps and move on.
The Indian companies treat their pilots very much like they used to here. The big cities are very modern....and in some ways better than some here....I was there a few months ago and inquired about converting my licenses...and it's a little more involved than just a few writtens, but it doesn't look like it would be harder than an ATP checkride here......
I'm not sure what they are doing in terms of expat F.O.s, but they are certainly hiring expat captains. If you are Indian and have the right to reside in India without any restrictions and can convert your FAA certificates to Indian ones then I would say your best bet would be to go there in person and apply direct. Don't go through an agency if you don't have to. Jet, Kingfisher, Air Deccan, Sahara ( which Jet just bought ), and others are all hurting for pilots. They pay reasonably well.

I've travelled in India and wouldn't really like to go back. It's a dirty, crowded country with serious infrastructure problems. The government is ripe with corruption and little is done to combat it. It's no unsafe in the context of terrorist attacks, but road travel is another story. I've got two expat friends here in the UAE who have been posted to India. Both have convinced their companies that it is far better for them to remain domiciled in the UAE and just travel back and forth instead of subjecting their families to a miserable existence in India. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

If you go there and set up shop...........you can buy a Dell and get Norton Anti-Virus too. Great thing about those two things are the fact that when you have customer service issues, it will be just a local call!
Very Modern Indeed

indianboy7 said:
The Indian companies treat their pilots very much like they used to here. The big cities are very modern....and in some ways better than some here....I was there a few months ago and inquired about converting my licenses...and it's a little more involved than just a few writtens, but it doesn't look like it would be harder than an ATP checkride here......

Oh, I agree 100%. Why, just the other day I was in New York and there was a traffic jam due to cows in the street.The people there are very free spirited, urinating in the streets and what not. Just be sure to take your rubber goloshes so your shoes don't get covered in cow dung. Very modern indeed.

The cows urinate upstream and you drink, downstream, out of the same river. MMMM. Ill have an icewater, hold the ice and water please.
Regul8r said:
Oh, I agree 100%. Why, just the other day I was in New York and there was a traffic jam due to cows in the street.The people there are very free spirited, urinating in the streets and what not. Just be sure to take your rubber goloshes so your shoes don't get covered in cow dung. Very modern indeed.

yeah i agree... i have laid over in Mumbai...watched people dumping in the streets...eating dirt...and picking thru trash...wait..nevermind..that's just like here in memphis!

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