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Job Hunting...is it just me?

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That is not a very nice thing to say buddy boy.

As far as med shcool look at what Radioloigists make. OVER 750K and they can work from home and do it only 2 days a week. Sign this cracker up!!
Better keep the uranium in your backpack next to your iPod and hair gel.
We will miss you, write when you get accepted!
That is not a very nice thing to say buddy boy.

As far as med shcool look at what Radioloigists make. OVER 750K and they can work from home and do it only 2 days a week. Sign this cracker up!!

You may want to knock out a couple of spelling classes before you take on med school...
True statement.

Maybe Instructortool should be a ditchdigger. Not too many people killed by ditchdiggers. He could wear a coat, tie, and hat while doing it so he could be "more professional."

Apologies to all "trenching engineers." I'd hate for him to ruin your profession too.

Maybe you should become a ditchdigger??

I've got lots of options including a patent idea a bro of mine and I hatched up over a few beers.

We're considering a design where we use solar panels stuck to the side of the airplanes. The panels would generate power that will be stored in batteries and then used to power the airplane or upon arrival you could hook up to gate and download the power to the local grid. The Obama administration is giving out carbon and green credits left and right.

You heard it here first so laugh all you want...I"LL BE A MILLIONARE!
Please. I beg you. Get out of the cockpit before you hurt someone.
I'm considering going back for my pre-med requisites and doing the Med-School thing.

Yea you'd make an excellent proctologist....it would be like looking at yourself in a mirror everyday.
Why would you want to be a doctor and have to be around ulgy, gross, sick people. I'd rather have grease and sweat on my hands and clothes then do hopsital work in any capacity. I hate the going to visit people in the hospital and I hate medical facilities equally.
Maybe you should become a ditchdigger??

I've got lots of options including a patent idea a bro of mine and I hatched up over a few beers.

We're considering a design where we use solar panels stuck to the side of the airplanes. The panels would generate power that will be stored in batteries and then used to power the airplane or upon arrival you could hook up to gate and download the power to the local grid. The Obama administration is giving out carbon and green credits left and right.

You heard it here first so laugh all you want...I"LL BE A MILLIONARE!

Yeah Here's Instructordrools Idea guys:cartman:

I don't know what's funnier....Instructordude's posts, or the moronic responses to them.

How can anyone take them seriously, honestly? Are you guys new to the internets? have you no experience with trolls?

Take a step back from your computer, have a beverage of your choosing, and lighten the hell up.

I think you'll enjoy his posts more now.

you're welcome

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