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JB pilots file with NMB

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LUV pilots are taking pay cuts? In BK?

I'm not sure what your argument is with my quote. Someone stated that JetBlue never furloughed and didn't have to give concessions like those airlines with "unione protections". My statement was to that person and it said that, even without pay cuts, Jetblue's pay and work rules were below the average. AND, included in that "average" were most groups that had BK and/or concessionary contracts forced upon them. In short........

His argument "We never had pay cuts and furlough"
My Argument "We still make less even after their pay cuts and furloughs"
Here's the answer, JBPA is not Swapa, and Jetblue is not SWA. SWA has disappointed pilots in their ranks as their flying to Canada and now Mexico was given to "partners"... Management early on could have given our 190 flying to a partner airline, but has decided to keep it under the same roof to protect our brand. There is no perfect model, but I do know this-- JBPA is not the answer, not right now and maybe not ever. We all joined this airline because of its uniqueness, why dilute this to become something we know has failed time and time again!!!

What would stop Jetblue from giving the 190's to a regional to operate them?

Blue Bayou at one time I was a naive go getum kool aid type. Once you get burned you will know. Only a matter of time before your blue haze goes away.

I am keeping my 2.5% is a statement from old...how I am not a member of ALPA anymore. I currently do not wish to pay any of my salary to fund a failed strategy......

Whiners is not a word I would use to describe 700 of my brother and sister pilots....however, I read a lot of what is posted and it is the same 100 or so complaining about the same stuff over and over. It gets the others going and before you know it you have a vote for representation. Not everyone who signed a card will vote for representation.

If 700 of the JB pilots want representation....good on them. They have their reasons and I have mine for not. I feel that in this industry, with what we have seen post 9/11, post $147/bbl oil, and now with a sagging economy, that JB management is doing the right things. Rome wasn't built in a day and the idea that a CBA or a union will take away a lot of the ills of the industry and this pilot group, and therefore make the company more money, fund a B fund, pay more hourly wages, etc..... is a fantasy.

IMO, there is no way the JBPA can make it work at 1.5%....and if you are going to build a war chest to whether a strike, I would say 3% is more likely. And lets face the brutal facts. If a union is worth a #$#@, then the ability to strike to force an employer to capitulate is the only weapon you have. Is the JBPA going to be willing to go to the mat on stuff or be another mealy mouthed union who says one thing and does another?


I felt the union was FUBAR and after watching several meetings and several "administrations", knew it was doomed to fail from the beginning.

Who is going to protect your butt when you roll off a runway?

A committee?

I felt the union was FUBAR and after watching several meetings and several "administrations", knew it was doomed to fail from the beginning.


And I agreed.... the problem is pilots want unions to be autocratic and mx-free.. IOW they want the milk for free.... they wnat results without the effort

You are right about JBPA dues... it will need to be at 3%. One reason ALPA dues is 1.95% is because different pilot groups support each other at different times....

Interestingly.. the Airtran pilots are looking for National support..... IBT maybe... or ALPA...

I am not sure how the jetblue pilots are going to make it in the 21st Century. Even SWA is realizing their market niche is going away. They are going to have to play the international market.

What happens if Jetblue gets bought out? What happens when Congress changes Federal law? When ICAO changes policy. JB management is represented by the ATA in Congress and at ICAO, but jB pilots are not.

The next 5-10 years is going to be very defining for the Air Line Pilot Profession. Luckily there is an incoming Admin that will favor us... but in 4-8 years it could change..

There will be a continuing non stop effort by management to turn our profession into a job. Unfortunately JB and VA management are slowly taking away professional status...

You guys have to stop the slide.....
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And I agreed.... the problem is pilots want unions to be autocratic and mx-free.. IOW they want the milk for free.... they wnat results without the effort

You are right about JBPA dues... it will need to be at 3%. One reason ALPA dues is 1.95% is because different pilot groups support each other at different times....

Interestingly.. the Airtran pilots are looking for National support..... IBT maybe... or ALPA...

I am not sure how the jetblue pilots are going to make it in the 21st Century. Even SWA is realizing their market niche is going away. They are going to have to play the international market.

What happens if Jetblue gets bought out? What happens when Congress changes Federal law? When ICAO changes policy. JB management is represented by the ATA in Congress and at ICAO, but jB pilots are not.

The next 5-10 years is going to be very defining for the Air Line Pilot Profession. Luckily there is an incoming Admin that will favor us... but in 4-8 years it could change..

There will be a continuing non stop effort by management to turn our profession into a job. Unfortunately JB and VA management are slowly taking away professional status...

You guys have to stop the slide.....

The Jonestown mentality of some Blue guys is scary. The zombie brigade

F&H is all over this thread btw

Ask anyone of our pilots who have been involved in an "incident" of some kind and they will tell you the support they received was way beyond expectations....


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