If anyone here flies into KJAC, look out for that Jeppesen Revision 26 that just came out dated Dec-17. The 10-3 page shows that the standard takeoff mins. are gone only to be replaced with 3800-3 or 6800-3.
Since my company frequents that airport, I was concerned about the "Oh, I can get in, but now can't get out" scenario. I called the Tower and was met with the "You're only about the 150th person to call me" response. Basically, it looks like Jeppesen made a printing error and has been told by the FAA to re-print and re-send that page ASAP! If you need further clarification you can call AVN130 Mr. Hamilton in OKC to CYA.
The standard takeoff minimum still applies with the climb gradient met.
Since my company frequents that airport, I was concerned about the "Oh, I can get in, but now can't get out" scenario. I called the Tower and was met with the "You're only about the 150th person to call me" response. Basically, it looks like Jeppesen made a printing error and has been told by the FAA to re-print and re-send that page ASAP! If you need further clarification you can call AVN130 Mr. Hamilton in OKC to CYA.
The standard takeoff minimum still applies with the climb gradient met.