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J-41 or DO328 jet?????

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I would take the one where he/she can upgrade to Capt fastest, as the 1000 PIC turbine is important in a lot of jobs.

I trainined in the J41, and liked it a lot.

Skyway (MidEx feeder) stopped buying them and is buying the ERJ because they don't like the -328. My best pilot friend's buddy was taking off in one out of MKE, and the whole cockpit went dark. Not gauges, no emergency gauges, no radios, no navigation equipment of any kind. Luckily, it was VMC (at night) so they came around and landed. If IMC, they would've rode it in. Apparently, there are 3 black boxes near/in the tail. One of them physically came loose, and knocked the other two out. So much for redundant systems.

Lumber Yak said:

You need to work on your sour attitude. Perhaps you are not detailed oriented and missed by bio on the side. You also missed my first statement: "If given a CHOICE.... pick the D328Jet." Do you understand what I am saying - it's all about choice.... If he has to take the J41, take it, otherwise take the D328Jet. if given the option.. Get it?


Same as above - I was talking about a selection if given a choice between the two aircraft. Yeah, the J41 has EFIS - I have flown on J41s and I have plenty of ACA friends who have flown them and HATED them - their opinion and not yours. I also know a D328Jet Captain who LOVES the airplane - that is why I recommended it. I was basically quoting him...

I was just making recommendations - perhaps you guys could just chill out - I have a right to give my opinion on this forum...

Lumber Yak, I was also just making a recommendation about the subject! Having flown BOTH the J41 & D328jet of course I would take the jet if given the chance. But I am grateful to have flown 1000+hrs in the J41 turboprop before going to the 328. Im just saying to get your seniority number ASAP. So why don't you chill out!!
atpcliff said:

Not gauges, no emergency gauges, no radios, no navigation equipment of any kind.


No emergency gauges? meaning Stby instruments? i find that hard to believe. I know the 328 systems VERY well. Stby gauges have their own power source. We have had a few cockpits go "dark" on the 328. But not one of them lost the Stby gauges also. The "black boxes" are not a driving source for anything on the aircraft. They are recording devices.
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Furloughed Again simply stated that your friend should take the first slot available to him due to the importance of obtaining a higher seniority number. I do not feel that this reflects a "sour" attitude. Quite to the contrary, I have always found FA's posts to be very insightful and genuine.

Not trying to step on your toes or anything, just letting you know that I think you are being a bit more defensive than is really necessary.



The only two things I would consider would be seniority and upgrade. You mentioned there would only be a ten day difference in training. More importantly, how many people would be in the first class. If it is three, I would think long and hard before I passed it up. If it is ten, I wouldn't pass it up regardless.

If one type upgrades much faster than another, I may consider passing up a class and giving up seniority in an effort to get PIC time quicker. Very few if any major airline applications differentiate between turboprop and jet. It is all turbine time.

As for the "glass" comments above, I totally disagree. I flew the 1900 for three years with no autopilot and no flight attendant and no heat and no ac and all that krap. It was the most fun I have ever had in an airplane. My skills were also at their peak when I was flying the beech (which means I still suked, just not as bad). We will all get to fly jets with plenty of screens and buttons. Enjoy the journey and try and fly the wonderful performing props before they all go away.

btw, cliff was right about the Skyway 328 prob. The "box" that moved was one of the IAC's, which caused all of the DU's to freeze. The only very minor points to correct are that the IAC's are behind the pilots not in the back and that the standby instruments still operated.

One more by the way, it never ceases to amaze me how the most mundane questions can result in a pising match on this board.
Take the first class available. Although some circumstances preclude this (low time, seat lock), the only way to upgrade in any type of airplane before someone else is by holding a higher seniority number. For example, pilots upgrade from J-41 FO to CRJ or FRJ captain depending on seniority. There is NO requirement to have any prior experience in type to upgrade.

Anyway, things are really moving on the J-41 side as pilots leave the FO seat. I was hired as 125 in the seat. Then moved up to 95 my second month online. For my fourth month online I'm sitting at 73 out of 212; now in the upper third.

If you don't like the airplane you're hired into, transition after a year. Only seniority will give you that option, and-god forbid-furlough protection.

Re: Upgrade

StaySeated said:

The "box" that moved was one of the IAC's, which caused all of the DU's to freeze. The only very minor points to correct are that the IAC's are behind the pilots not in the back and that the standby instruments still operated.

That makes ALOT more sense. Those with little knowledge can be more damaging than those without any knowledge. Also something to mention, there are only 2 IAC's on the 328J. Well, at least on ACA 328's. Dont know if Skyway had another retro-fitted.

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