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J-41 or DO328 jet?????

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BE58 Driver

Active member
Jul 1, 2002
If you had the choice which airplane would you choose? A friend has an opportunity with ACA and may be able to choose between these two airplanes. I am not sure what to tell them. Would have to commute to fly both and the training dates are only 10 days apart. Any inputs are apprecaited.
your friend

Your friend, if he is smart, will accept the FIRST class ACA offers regardless of which aircraft he will be flying.

Seniority is EVERYTHING.

It could be the difference in upgrading quickly, or remaining an F/O for 5 years. It could be the difference in getting furloughed or remaining on the property. It could be the difference in getting a commutable line, or spending endless nights in a crashpad. It could be the difference in Christmas eve home with his family... or in Binghamton, New York eating Christmas dinner at a Denny's.

Tell him not to let his ego drive his decision making -- there's a LOT more to life than flying a jet.
There is much merit to furloughed's advice.

In the last 12 months I have been right (and I mean RIGHT) on the cusp three times during furloughs, domicile bids and displacements. One #- (1) (uno)- made the difference between 3 and 4 stripes for me, 3 #'s made the difference getting my choice of domicile and 4 #'s made the difference not getting bumped out of it.

I've never flown a J41, but if it is anything like the 31, it'll make a man out of him.

It's all turbine time. The expeience in a TP, IMHO, is more valuable as a foundation while more turbojet time in the logbook will not be that significant in the long run.

Upgrade time may be faster in the J41 as well. Your bud should investigate that. PIC time will make a difference
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Good advice is to take the first class offered. Seniority is like taking a number at the deli--first come, first served.

As for my experience at ACA, when they called offering me the job asking me if I minded flying a turbo-prop, I replied, "with so many pilots without flying jobs, I'm thankful to be offered anything, anywhere." Also, I start upgrade class in the J-41 next month after 6 months with ACA. Certainly an exception and not the rule.

In addition, from what I hear about our CRJ program, I'd choose the J-41 if that class started first. The entire training program is first class from GOS to sims. The instructor corps and support staff are willing to bend over backward to ensure a pilot's success at ACA. They even modified my schedule so I could attend a pair of weddings earlier this summer! I'm sure you'll hear contrary experiences.

Take the "Dork" jet and run....

Yeah, of course take the first course available... But if you have a choice - take the Dornierjet - or the "Dork." The EFIS system will be difficult to learn at first, but after you master it, you could probably fly the Space Shuttle - that would be excellent training. I have ACA friends who flew the J41 and hated it - loud props and low altitudes... Sure the D328Jet is not much faster than the J41, but it IS a jet (you want jet time) and it's cockpit is MORE SOPHISTICATED than the CRJ - it is a Primus 2000 system - the same as the Citation X.

I hear the D328JET is a blast to fly - with an incredible takeoff ascent rate. The J41, although more sophisticated than most props, is an anachronism in the "jet age." Tell your friend to get some good glass time in the "Dork" - he'll love it and he'll learn a lot about glass...



I've read a number of the threads you've written and there is one common theme -- jet-envy.

Why the big hurry to fly a jet? Is there not valuable experience to be gained by flying a turboprop (the J41 is also glass by the way)? Since it is unlikely that this pilot will leave the regionals for the better part of a decade why not give him the opportunity to experience every part of our industry.

In my opinion too many of today's young pilots go directly from a Seminole to a Canadair ... they're missing out on not only some valuable experience, but also some fun, challenging flying!

I will stick with my first suggestion -- go with the first available class.

As for you lumber-yak, dont be in such a hurry. Jet-Envy is a terrible thing.

Current Dornier (prop) pilot
Former Boeing 737, DC9, Saab, Jetstream, Cessna 402 pilot
The sooner, the better . . .

In these times, it's more important to take the job. Beggars can't be choosers, although I realize two classes are being offered. Both offer turbine. Tell your "friend" to go for the Jetstream. He'll get his jet experience in due course.

Best of luck in class to your "friend," whatever he decides.
Re: Take the "Dork" jet and run....

Lumber Yak said:
Yeah, of course take the first course available... But if you have a choice - take the Dornierjet - or the "Dork." The EFIS system will be difficult to learn at first, but after you master it, you could probably fly the Space Shuttle - that would be excellent training. I have ACA friends who flew the J41 and hated it - loud props and low altitudes... Sure the D328Jet is not much faster than the J41, but it IS a jet (you want jet time) and it's cockpit is MORE SOPHISTICATED than the CRJ - it is a Primus 2000 system - the same as the Citation X.

I hear the D328JET is a blast to fly - with an incredible takeoff ascent rate. The J41, although more sophisticated than most props, is an anachronism in the "jet age." Tell your friend to get some good glass time in the "Dork" - he'll love it and he'll learn a lot about glass...

The last time I looked the J41 had a glass cockpit, EFIS, ACARS. I would pick the first class offered.

You need to work on your sour attitude. Perhaps you are not detailed oriented and missed by bio on the side. You also missed my first statement: "If given a CHOICE.... pick the D328Jet." Do you understand what I am saying - it's all about choice.... If he has to take the J41, take it, otherwise take the D328Jet. if given the option.. Get it?


Same as above - I was talking about a selection if given a choice between the two aircraft. Yeah, the J41 has EFIS - I have flown on J41s and I have plenty of ACA friends who have flown them and HATED them - their opinion and not yours. I also know a D328Jet Captain who LOVES the airplane - that is why I recommended it. I was basically quoting him...

I was just making recommendations - perhaps you guys could just chill out - I have a right to give my opinion on this forum...
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Please also note that ACA traditionally hasn´t given newhires their choice of aircraft on orientation; classes are usually all one type, e.g. my newhire class was approx 20 J41 FOs. Occasionally they will give the option but in general they will not. Just tell you buddy to hurry and get to class, seniority is everything. Also, he will not snag a quick upgrade in the J41 - those will not be appearing again, so the J41 quick PIC time thingy is pretty moot. Irregardless, I expect him to transition to the CRJ after his first year´s up for the $$$


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