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It's Official: PSA is getting Jets

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You give up on my punk a$$, huh? I'm saying that the J4J deal sux, that the PSA guys were the first to go out and agree to it when the three MEC's originally agreed to hold strong against it, and the PSA guys shouldnt jump up and down with glee when PDT and ALG 'seem' to be left out ----- again! If you cant see that, then I give up on you! You talk about eating crow, when my contention is J4J is a $hitty deal for the WO's, and it seems crappy for you PSA guys to whoop it up when PDT ans ALG have pilots on furlough/downgraded with no turnaround in sight!! All the while PSA announces a doubling or tripling of its fleet and growth and hiring. So, you go ahead and give up on my thick headedness. You are clueless!

Would you please direct me to posts where PSA pilots jump up and down with glee while ALG and PDT pilots are left out in the cold?

You wrote " Try this scenario.......PSA gets about 10 RJ's over the next year or so, but 30 of the slots to fly them go to furloughees leaving PSA to furlough themselves to make room. You guys have NEVER seemed to grasp this! Look for many more RJ's to be placed at Chat, Mesa and maybe even ACA.

Take another sip of kool-aid." No mention about JFJ just a slam against us.

You even post that you think that our MEC sold us out, now you hack on the individual pilots for being sell outs.

I dont mean to refer to you as a sellout. I think YOUR management and MEC sold you out"

You even have agreed with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smoking man.....

"First off, smoking is bad for you. You should quit that habit!

Second, I have nothing against ANY pilot at PSA. You guys are all right. If any WO does ok, well, thats a start. It is upsetting that we all didnt stick together, though, and U management used your contract as a way to whipsaw us ---- to your benefit. I know you all think it sucks what is happening to ALG and PDT! At PDT, we agreed to PSA jet rates, MINUS 3% ---- because we wanted to keep our defined benefit package. What more could we do. We also agreed to J4J and signed a concessionary TA for 8% paycuts in the dash for 7 years!!! This wasnt good enough for U! So, here we are. It just sucks that some of your guys attitude is, "well, at least I have a job!" So, we are not all that unified in our objective. Anyway, good luck to all my WO brothers, and all the guys at PSA, PDT and ALG!! As for me, I'm jumping off this ship as of Oct! I'll miss 'Flying the Flag!'"

You have even wished us well.
"Looks like PSA will be the lone survivor, way to go. At least one WO finally got something from U! It still will suck to watch all of us at PDT lose our jobs while PSA moves ahead with MidAtlantic. I just hope all of your junior guys dont get sold out to make room for mainline guys......."

At least 328Dude stays the course, you seem to wander all over the place.

I would like to say that I Wish nothing but good luck to ALG, and PDT. I have a feeling that you shall also get enough RJ's.
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PSA boys...

I am jumping off this arguement.

I dont have any problems with any PSA boys, in fact, I have a few very good friends there, and I am glad for a WO finally making inroads against the contracts. However, if you dont see how all of your rumor posts at "look at what PSA is getting, etc.." and the "hooray, look how many jets PSA is getting" would make the PDT and ALG pilots feel.....then forget it! Not to mention 2 are nothing but loosing aircraft, etc. and having pilots are furlough.

So, for the record, I dont think PSA pilots are sellouts. I still think J4J is the $hittiest plan ever shoved down the throats of regional pilots. I'm glad one WO is making out. I think it sucks that one WO is making out while the other two suffer. And I think the PSA guys should remember the plight of the PDT and ALG pilots while they celebrate.

PSA's contract is as close to Mesa's as you can get. Therefore, PSA's gets the jets. It's pretty simple. US Scares strategy for the future is built around Johnny O's sick and twisted buisness plan. I am sure that PDT and ALG will get a few jets, but it will be such a small amount that J4J will squash any hopes of a future at those two airlines.
Beavis: You speak of growth at PSA right? What growth? Were are getting 60 jets. 30 of those will be 100 percent PSA boys and girls. That's only 1 more aircraft then we already have. Were's the growth?. J4J was not implimemented to grow PSA in anyway. It was a way for the pilots already at PSA to be protected. That was the main issue.

Clueless? Bet you didn't realize that did you?
Don't believe me? Go speak to Olaf then.

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