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It's Official: PSA is getting Jets

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The next order is going to either PDT or ALG in a teleconference I was in today. They are not being left out by any means. PSA has alot less aircraft then either PDT or ALG and was easier to impliment them quicker because of this. The other two wholly owned are getting CRJ's, but when is not known at this moring's teleconference.

Here is the delivery schedule for PSA

Dorniers to start going away at 2 a month in Ocotber until they are gone.
2 CRJ's a month from October to November 2003
3 CRJ's a month from December 2003 to April 2004.
4 CRJ's a month from May 2004 to October 2004
3 CRJ's a month from November 2004 until all 60 are on PSA property slated to end in April 2005.

In regardfs to the 25 CRJ 700 series. we are still in negotiations about this, but from what our MEC and the VP of Op's said this morning, it looks like these will show up here as well.
Smoking man....It's funny you claim you werent supported in the wake of the DC air thing by the other WO's, when ultimately it was PIEDMONT that was srewed in that deal!!!! DCAir/Potomac, when it started, stole 10 PDT Dash 8-200's on former PDT routes!! Did you forget that?? PSA was unaffected by this. How can you be crying about that. The fact remains, PSA was the only original yea vote in the jet 4 jobs, and that fact was held over the other two WO's my management with the threat of liquidation with all assets going to PSA! How can you guys be proud of that?

If the other WO's are to get the "next" order, how long will that be?? If PSA and MAA are getting the first 170"?

From what I got, the next order should be placed sometime around the 4th quarter of 2003. Exact numbers are not know but it sounds to be a joint announcement with ALG and PDT getting them at the same time.

Bruce Ashby, stated in a meetng a few weeks ago, that all 3 wholly owned companies WILL recieve jets. PSA is recieving them first only because they are better suited to ending the leases on the Dornier quicker then some of the Dash's. That was the only reason. And besides that, the Dash is alot more relieable airplane then the Dornier. The ALG and PDT girls and guys have nothing to worry about. It's coming, I just wish I knew when.
Did you have an 8-K filing on you operational certificate? NO we did. All three of us were in on the alter ego fight against potomic, all three of us. once again all three of us.

Did I cry about it? No I just stated the fact that there was no support.

The fact remains that the PILOTS of PSA did not get to vote on our contract, our JFJ, our give backs, etc.

Once again where was any of us out here being proud of that?

NO SPIN ZONE. Or are you going to tie this in with how the exhaust at a higer flight level will damage the ozone more and PSA is now the ECO pigs.

It sounds like you will be getting RJ's also, sorry that it is not the way want it to happen.
I'm glad to see that PSA is getting jets.

Having said that, J4J will affect the other two carriers more than PSA. You guys have around 30 airplanes, and with firm orders for 60 their will be no furloughs. According to a press release by Bombardier, U has delivery dates for another 90 CRJ's. Both ALG and PDT have around fifty airplanes. Therefore, in the short term, on a one for one basis both carriers will be forced to furlough.

Also, with no new eqiupment here again this year, PDT will furlough again at the end of the year as seven more aircraft are returned. We still have furloughed pilots today and I find it funny that mainline pilots have rights to fly here at Express but we can't get our guys hired at our fellow carriers. (Although PSA did offer to take PDT guys last year....when PSA stopped hiring.) My question is after reading all these posts from Part 91 guys hired at PSA, did any ALG or PDT guys get hired?

Either way PDT and ALG pilots lose in this deal.
I can't belive I'm reading WO pilots fighting with eachother. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Now more than ever we need to be on the same page and work toward solutions to the problems that will continue to face our carriers.

Theres nothing to celebrate untill all WO pilots are back on their respective property.
The hard part here is that Allegheny and Piedmont are still supposed to lose airplanes this year. We may end up furloughing pilots while, as of right now, PSA will grow. I am glad to see one of us finally get some rjs, but morale at the other two will not improve with this latest announcement. Let's hope there is more to come sooner rather than later.
PDTGIMP: Preferential hiring was set up for your furloughs and is still the case, however, nobody ever contacted PSA regarding employment. PDT and ALG furlughs always have preferential hiring status here and the same goes for us at your carriers. This is something all three MEC's set up along time ago. Maybe your MEC could inform the furloughs that they will give them preferential hiring status in case they missed the first message.
BDTII said all I was trying to say...

You PSA guys are rejoicing and making your announcements and predictions while the ALG and PDT guys get nothing and are faced with more furloughs and downgrades. Compassion?

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