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Island Air class?

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got a letter....

got a letter from island air...
slimmed down but the majority of the exact quote goes like this.....

"...thank you for your interest, however we are not accepting resumes. We will only accept resumes when there are availiable openings for the general public. therefore we are returning your resume to you. good luck...yadda yadda yadda..."

can you say *SLAP*...no thanks?

im guessing theyre not interviewing anytime soon.:D
The definition of "Hawaii Time"

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

I was phone interviewed and told to expect a call "in 2 or 3 weeks" for a formal IA interview. In the meantime I have: waited, receive a call from SkyWest, prepared 6 weeks for the interview, interviewed, was offered a job, waited five weeks for groundschool, completed 3 and a half weeks of ground school, completed 2 weeks of FTD/SIM training, passed checkride, completed 2 weeks of IOE ending with sucessful line check, now sit on reserve and hope to be holding a line when next month's awards come out...

Good luck to all those who have kept the Island Air faith, you all have tremendous patience.
yes, the first day of the newhire class was today. there are 6 people in the class. no one got into the class that didnt have a hookup (recommendations and/or already employed by IA in another position first).

good luck to those of you still swimming..
Freight dog with Ameriflight flying the pa-31. Not as glamorous, but alot of fun and a step up from flight instruction. I hope they have another class soon!

Anybody know what kind of mins they'll be posting when the pool is dried up? So that I can plan on wether or not I can even dream of submiting a resume to them?

I received the application from IA and in the process of filling it out. I dont know how long the process takes but it seems like people are swimming for awhile. How long is the turn around time at IA and what should i expect? I am looking forward to the interview but in the meanwhile, i have to pay bills and my flying is minimal.

You must understand Island time

I submitted my resume, and recieved an invitation to fill out an application two months later. Two months after submitting my application I recieved a phone interview and was told to expect a call from HR to set up a face to face interview in 2-3 "weeks". That was almost four months ago, and while they have not had any classes until recently, there are still people drowning in the pool. I am still optimistic as I really want to work for IA, but I would expect a time table of up to a year from application to possible future class date. Of course if Aloha continues classes and IA sees more attrition, or you know someone on the inside things could move much faster. Take this all as a grain of salt for it is just my personal experience/opinion.

...Currently treading water in the pool in the middle of the country flying Learjets for a charter/air ambulance company. .....Must get to islands soon....

Sir Hump,

I started the whole process in Jan. 2002, interviewed in June 2002, got into the pool a week later, and here I am now. Hopefully I'll be in the next class when it happens. I cant wait!:)

I heard a rumor that AQ is interviewing this week. I really dont know how good a rumor it is; I just heard something to that effect.

Anyone else have any kibbles or bits regarding IA or AQ?
Application May 01.. Interview May 02... Pool 2 weeks later, class date in August 02 which I had to defer (personal reasons, and yes I am kicking myself).

Still treading water... but now I am looking at upgrade at my company in less than a year.

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