I tried to pull off the WIA thing last summer following the Midway furlough and couldn't even get the lady at the local unemployment office to send in the paperwork. She said I had to come down and do a day's worth of 'aptitude testing' and interviews to find out what job area I was best suited for! And then she said that the only way WIA would kick in for a type rating is if you could show that having one is a requriement for a company you're qualified to work for. I know alot of people have used it to get type ratings but it's beyond me how they pulled it off. I guess it varies from state to state and office to office. Good luck.
PS - Make sure you try early in the year(and I'm not sure if they use calendar year or fiscal year) because apparently each state only gets so much money from WIA and once it's gone it's gone and it goes quick.
My case is a little different. The state of Illinois has been giving away lots of money, actual federal money from the "National Emergency Grant." Supposedly it only takes one visit to the office and you walk out with a $6K voucher.
So now the question is where to do the training. As I said above, FSI is my first choice but I´m not sure if they are approved for the Lear type.
Sounds like a good program! Is $6K the limit? Or can you get more? You might be able to buy the Lear manuals from FSI for $6K but that's about it. My CL600 training was $32K, King Air type was $18K.
The best thing to do is to call Flight Safety and ask them directly. I know that they are not WIA approved in California but they might be where you are. I know that Simuflite is WIA approved in California. The other question to ask is that if they are approved for that particular A/C that you would like to train in. When you call these places, ask to talk to their government sales representative because a lot of times the people that pick up the phone do not have a clue of what you are talking about.
I never heard of the National Emergency Fund, could you give some more info?
Good luck!
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