Can someone please explain the process of jumpseating at AirNet.
are they taking 121 pilots?
once you book the jumpseat can someone else from AirNet bump you?
what's the general process of getting a jumpseat at AirNet?
Currently we are open only to reciprocal's. There are something like 30 121 outfits right now that we can reciprocate with.
As far as being bumped goes, well from what i have been told, if you are the first one to sign up, you are the one that is going. Now i could be wrong, but i believe this is how it works. If you fly on the jets, then the airnet guy and yourself will both get to go.
To JS you must first call our dispatch department to get put on the list. When you call they will ask you some info to verify who you are and that you are on our recip list. They will also give you the routing and where to meet the flight crew for your flight... which must be 1 hour prior to departure. When you arrive at the plane the capt will again ask for your cert's and any other kind of ID he deems necessary to prove you are who you say you are. It is of course up to the capt whether you can ride, just like everywhere else... the only reason i can imagine you not being able to get on would be weight restrictions.
thanks for the reply. I take it there's no meal service or hot looking f/a's! just kidding. all I need is a ride. would I have any trouble catching a ride on a prop out of CMH? I take it that the jumpseater would just ride in the right seat?
I work for Express Airlines 1 (NW Airlink). are we on your list? I'm almost positive that we take you guys.
Depending on where you need to go, you will most likely be able to jump on the props out of CMH. If you need to get to MEM (just poped into mind since your company is based there) then you can take the jets. In the props the jumpseater would ride in the right seat while working the radios and keeping the capt from falling asleep... just kidding.
As far as i know you are on our list, i know Mesaba is, so i expect you are too. I looked for my list, but i can't find it right now, when i locate it i will let you know.
I ride on Airnet on a semi-regular basis. One piece of advice I would pass along: be sure to show up plenty early (about 1 hour should do). The plane will leave once all the freight is there, with or without you. That said, all of the guys I have ridden with have been great and I have nothing but respect for them. Thanks guys, you got me home a few times when I really had to be there!
It depends on the situation. I have had pilots who have waited a few minutes for me because I was inbound on another Airnet flight, and dispatch had told them I was riding. This, however, is not always the case. I have been riding in on a 310 that was running late, only to see the lear I needed to get on taxing out. Oh well, thats the commuting life I guess.
Seeing the flight you are connecting on leave without you is very rare here at Airnet as we keep a 98.5% on-time arrival rate. I and many other pilots here at Airnet usually go as far out of the way as we can and still make deadlines to get riders where they need to go.
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