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Is 1200 TT enough??

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In responce to Dude's comment about 1200TT not being enough and there being lots more people with lots more time.

That is a correct statement, however the trend I have been noticing here lately is that these regionals are hiring people with far less time for one reson in my opinion. It makes better financial sence to the airline. The guy with 5k or better hrs will leave for his job at the majors as soon as the hiring starts again. They would rather hire someone and have them be around for 5 years rather than 2. Just makes the training dollar go farther. The trend I have been noticing is a blended between lower time and higher time for the new hires.

But hey, what do I know. I am only 900TT and will not see the training class for many many months to come most likely.

Good Luck

I was recently hired with PSA with 1300TT, 700 multi and zero turbine. Two other people I interviewed with had around 1200-1400TT and were also hired. Send them a resume I know they have two new hire classes scheduled in November and December. You can also try Colgan, I had a friend who has just finished IOE with them and he had 1400TT and 120 multi when he was hired. He told me that Colgan is running new hire classes once a month.

Good Luck
During my interview with ACA last month, I met another interviewee who was a flight instructor with 600 total time and 100 multi. I have no Idea how he got there or if he got hired. However, it does prove that certain airlines will disregard their minimums if you catch their eye.
PilotMonkey said:
During my interview with ACA last month, I met another interviewee who was a flight instructor with 600 total time and 100 multi. I have no Idea how he got there or if he got hired. However, it does prove that certain airlines will disregard their minimums if you catch their eye.

He was most likely a former intern. ACA has a bridge program still running that allows some low timers to come in.
PilotMonkey said:
During my interview with ACA last month, I met another interviewee who was a flight instructor with 600 total time and 100 multi. I have no Idea how he got there or if he got hired. However, it does prove that certain airlines will disregard their minimums if you catch their eye.

ACA has special Intern (Bridge program) with Embry Riddle, candidates with (600/100) are given an interview with the company. Most of them are hired into the CRJ and FRJ.
One Major european airline is currently taking 10 per week into the 744 and Md-11. If you have more than 190TT and 25ME don't apply, you are over qualified. Makes you ill, doesn't it?

There are people hired currently with your times. The bad news is that most of the low timers hired are out of programs that have relationships.

Take Comair for example, each class is usually made up of a wide variety of experience levels. The lower end time wise are people from the Academy.
Total Time is only a small part of the equation. Here's my advise, keep flying (i.e. building you time), then quit worrying about how low your time is and spend that energy networking with folks that can help you get an interview.

Once you get your interview just remember attitude is everything. Ya, there are lots of furloughed guys out there, but many of them are pissed off. It doesn't really bode well for them when that comes through in the interview.

My two cents.
"One Major european airline is currently taking 10 per week into the 744 and Md-11. If you have more than 190TT and 25ME don't apply, you are over qualified. Makes you ill, doesn't it?"


Scared absolutely to death????????????????????????

I would agree with the networking strategy. I have been Instructing since june 01 and networking has allowed me to fly several plane types I never would have flown otherwise, an example would be 3 precious hours in a Falcon 100, three flights with the third flight flying left seat at night and sole manipulator of controls. This came from networking and a good attitude.

Now Ive just hit 1200TT and am interviewing with ASA this month

1200TT and 550 Multi

It is possible, but it takes making friends, persistance, and attitude.

The comment on the furlough bitterness is true also, I have worked with a few who are flying with us to stay current or prep for an interview and the bitterness shows, at the same time who can blame them for the frustration and stress it causes.

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