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Instrument currency in an FTD

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2004
Hi everyone,

Last week I went out to ERAU for their IP interview. During the interview, I had to do a sim eval in their level 6 C172 FTD, during which I shot an ILS.

I've since logged the time as FTD in my logbook (such as I've done in the past), and logged the approach. I was accompanied by a CFII, but he didn't actually sign my logbook at the end of it. Am I still okay to log the approach for instrument currency without his signature?

as long as you are already current then log it. If your out of currency then you need to fly with a cfii to get current. Is the sim FAA approved?...if so your ok
brokeflyer said:
as long as you are already current then log it. If your out of currency then you need to fly with a cfii to get current. Is the sim FAA approved?...if so your ok

Well, I'm not instrument current, but I was with a CFII in an FAA approved FTD. I just didn't get the signature. Is the signature key here?
yes....its the endorsement for the instrument comp check which you need to have every 6 months....unless you log all the approaches that you fly.

but if your not current then you need the endorsement
FWIW, my understanding is that ANYTHING logged in a simulator has to be dual received...unfortunately, I don't have a reference.

In line with that understanding, then, is that the approach doesn't count for currency, since you don't have the signature to log it as dual.

Fly safe!

brokeflyer said:
yes....its the endorsement for the instrument comp check which you need to have every 6 months....unless you log all the approaches that you fly.

but if your not current then you need the endorsement

Nowhere does it say in the FAR's that an ICC must be signed by the person who gave the check. Therefore you could enter that yourself that you satisfactorily passed that check if an when that ever happens. Of course, in this case it wasn't an ICC but just a few approaches.

It would be nice to have the sim operator sign the approches in your log, but if not I would just enter it in the log yourself that the approaches were accomplished, including where and when.
UndauntedFlyer said:
Nowhere does it say in the FAR's that an ICC must be signed by the person who gave the check. Therefore you could enter that yourself that you satisfactorily passed that check if an when that ever happens.
Kiddies, don't try this at home.
MauleSkinner's right; it needs to be done with a CFII present.

14 CFR, § 61.51(g)(4)

(4) A flight simulator or approved flight training device may be used by a person to log instrument time, provided an authorized instructor is present during the simulated flight.

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