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Dear Brian,

If you take the Cape Air gig, but privately plan on jumping ship the moment you get the call from ASA, please do us all a favor and stay away. Wanting to advance in your career is a fine goal, and we don't hold it against any pilots when they leave—provided they have kept their word. As you note, Cape Air has a 6 month training agreement. It really takes us at least until September to recoup the investment we make in training you (5-6 weeks, including ground school, sim & flight training, checkride, IOE, hotel and pay roll). It would be a real kick in the jimmies if ASA called and you ended up quitting Cape Air in the middle of our busy summer season. If you accept the position at Cape Air, all we ask is that you work hard, do your best and keep your word. If you do that, then the door to a great company will remain open if you decide to move on.

If what I have laid out seems like too much of a hardship, then Cape Air is probably not a good fit for you.


Your friends at Cape Air
I am in the same boat. I got a class date with TSA and in the pool at ASA. I interviewed at ASA Oct 24th and got the letter around Thanksgiving. I think i am going to stick it out for ASA. I have interviewed at 4 places and was impressed by ASA the most. I could easily go to TSA and bail once i hear from ASA. However, later down the road in an interview with the majors they might ask why you did that and ask if you will bail on them after all the money spent on you for training. Blesko...not sure but i think we interviewed together on the 24th. All 4 of us are in the pool. I think we will get a class date at the end of Jan or early Feb. If i got the right person.
ya know, i'm not out to s*** on my new prospective employer, that's why this I posted on this forum. Some of us in the business still have class and will not search for the immediate PFT "fast track" for that 1000 PIC that will get you right to the bottom of any stack of resumes at any carrier OR jump from job to job. So, with that being said, its important to make a right decision, and get the input from all those that have already been down this road. Thanks again for the input. It seems the rumor mill is a class date late february/early march. Not horrible. We'll see what happens

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