All I know is that if you show up to my town, the public schools are great. It's affordable, the scenery is beautiful. But, there's too many burly peeps wearing that gay @ss T-shirt "Life is Good"uke:
NKA--Indy is a very reasonable place to live. The hottest areas are on the Northside in Carmel and Fishers (more upscale) with houses in the $300k and up for 3000 sq. ft.
The schools are pretty good in Carmel and very good in the Fishers/Hamilton S.E. districts.
Zionsville is northwest of the city and is very upscale but quaint. Schools are really good.
On the Westside, near the airport, Brownsburg (where I live) is less upscale and less expensive--still some high-end neighborhoods away from the town of Bburg. Avon is directly west of Indy and has more vinyl villages. The schools are good in both areas.
A lot of people live on the South side, Greenwood/Center Grove school districts. It's a little more, ahem, rustic down there.
Whatever you do, stay the He!! out of Indianapolis/Marion County. The tax base is erroding and generally the schools suck. Washington Township is an exception to that. It's very upscale and has good schools. It's near shopping and the Northside in general is very upscale. In Indianapolis, on the near-northside, you have Meridian-Kessler. Old money feel very nice old homes but private school is a must.
I see you're on the MD11. Even a FO can live very well in IND on that pay. PM me for more info.TC
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