I have always admired the C-17 - it looks like a great airplane to fly with its short-field capability. I recently saw a flight-deck picture and I was impressed - nice EFIS and stick. Looks like a very comfortable cockpit as well - nice and wide for really long flights to Kabul or Iraq...
Just wondering about the flying impressions of those lucky pilots who are flying (or have flown) it. How does it compare with other MAC or airliner aircraft? Is it widely popular and difficult to bid among AF or ANG/Reserves pilots? Can you bid it out of Beechjet school and get it or do you normally have to wait for it.
Just wondering about the flying impressions of those lucky pilots who are flying (or have flown) it. How does it compare with other MAC or airliner aircraft? Is it widely popular and difficult to bid among AF or ANG/Reserves pilots? Can you bid it out of Beechjet school and get it or do you normally have to wait for it.