Just having a little fun with the new guy, It was mostly to rile up the rest of the readers here. Some of them are a little stiff and need some poking. Anyways welcome aboard.
You obviously have a good grasp of English (always use a capital letter there, and also use a capital "I" when referring to yourself...) and you are starting out at a young enough age that you can have a full and rewarding career.
Ask questions at your airport. The airline captains from your country can advise you well on schools and initial employment much better than most of us can here. Read the posts on the message board on a regular basis. This is very much like a huge airplane hangar with thousands of pilots. We have retired captains and folks who have never piloted an airplane. You can learn a lot just by reading.
I often fly with a guy who was born in Peru about 46 years ago. You have a great many opportunities from which to choose.
To hone your English skills further, read some of the many classic authors such as Melville, Dickens, Shakespeare, Coleridge, etc. Speaking and writing well are becoming lost arts, and the ability to properly express yourself is very valuable to you as a life skill. In America, there is a company that sells cassettes to help people learn the vocabulary words that should have been learned in high school.
For pronounciation, there are tapes of famous British actors reading various works, such as Sir John Guilgud, Sean Connery, and Patrick Stewart. Americans are guilty as charged when we are often accused of the murder of the English language.
As an aspiring aviator, you will be glad you found this site. Good luck!
I second Timebuilder on speaking and writing being lost arts. Do as much as you can to hone your English skills. It will pay off for you.
Along with watching movies by the actors that Timebuilder suggested, maybe you can receive American news broadcasts from such outlets as CNN. Network announcers are generally free of regional accents and have good elocution. They set a good example for correct English.
Do shop carefully for a flight school in the U.S. A great many of them solicit non-U.S. business but don't always deliver the training they promise to non-U.S. customers.
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