Not just a 45 initial but now 7 months later with retraining and unlimited sim time Chicken is just now going to IOE from what I hear.
I'm willing to give a little leniency to the first ride especially since our training and some aspects (like raw data ils) are different and a little tough to get used to after years of training differently but 7 months?
Seriously, God forbid there's ever an accident. This goes far beyond some recoverable training issues. 7 months? Anyone remember Buffalo? Apparently not.
The majority of us at FJ have seen thru this "diarrhea of the mouth" asshat since day 1.
The fact that he was allowed by FJ management to spew his garbage unchecked on our own company portal spoke volumes about how this management team would operate in the future.
Ol chicken little figured he could do no wrong and obviously got his teeth kicked in by our training dept.
Haha, asshat - welcome to FJ. Sad fact is that without "daddys" help you would never have made it to IOE.
See you on the road Mr kneepads.