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IA Scholorship available

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2004
Spread the word: You do not need to be a woman to win this scholorship:

Inspection Authorization Scholarship Sponsored by ATP & King's School of Aeronautics

ATP (Aircraft Technical Publishers), and King's School of Aeronautics announce an important industry sponsorship for a scholarship package to an Airframe and Powerplant Technician in corporate or business aviation. The purpose of the scholarship is to assist a selected aviation professional in earning their Inspection Authorization (IA) and equip them with the tools to use their IA for a year. Applicant can be a man or woman and must be a licensed FAA Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic and be eligible to take the IA written test (copy of signed FAA Form 8610-1) at the time of application and demonstrate financial need. This award is for the Inspection Authorization Prep Course presented by King's School of Aeronautics valued at $570.00. The award also features an ATP IA Professional Regulatory CD (FF1) 3-month subscription as a learning aide to the winner for the exam and course and the exam fee. The winner will receive a one year subscription of IA Professional Regulatory CD (FF1) to equip them with the tools to use their IA for one year for a total value of $787.50. Winner is responsible for all travel costs incurred to attend the KingÂ?s IA Prep Course in Florida. Winner must start using award within 18 months of receiving the award and the award is non-transferable. Scholarship Total Value: $1,357.50

To apply for a Women In Corporate Aviation Scholarship:

Please submit five (5) stapled (NO FOLDERS), complete application sets (one original and four copies) to:

Women in Corporate Aviation
Scholarship: ____________________ (ex: Cessna, WCA, IA)
c/o Elizabeth A.Clark
4450 Nicholas Lane
Southaven, MS 38672

Each application set should consist of:

* a completed application form
* a 500-word, typed descriptive essay
* resume

and, IF APPLICABLE, copies of:

* all aviation licenses
* medical certificate
* the last three (3) pages of your pilot logbook

The selection criteria will include:

* achievements
* commitment to success
* dedication to career
* financial need
* attitude towards self and others

The descriptive essay should explain your aviation history and goals; the training for which you need assistance; how the scholarship will help you achieve your objective and your present financial need; what you have done for yourself to achieve your goals and where you see yourself in five and ten years; where you would obtain the training; and any educational scholarships, awards, and honors.

Please see the scholarship announcement for any further requirements specific to that scholarship. Incomplete applications will not be considered..

Questions? Contact Marianne Ross at [email protected]

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