For TWA only TWA pilots are allowed in the cockpit. It's not our rule; it's the FAA. Similarly TWA pilots aren't allowed in the cockpit on AA or AE. On TWA AA pilots have priority over all other OALs.
For future reference a universal pilot ID is in the works that should allow for the previous good times to be had again. But of course it'll take time...
I should add that the OAL (other airline) jumpseaters are allowed on AA only if they are on the "approved" list, which (I believe) are all of the Majors and most of the Nationals and Regionals. If you are denied the jumpseat by the gate agent, politely ask to see the Captain.
Of course that is the daily changing permanent policy as of : (Check your watch).
Just got a company email today - on AA, the priority is AA/TWA/AE in the jumpseat. On Eagle, it's AE/AA/TWA. Other airlines still not allowed in the JS, but in the cabin is ok.
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