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How do you land a jetBlue interview??

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Grow up is the best you can do.

I don't care if you're gay or not. That doesn' affect me. In fact, I don't even think I 'made fun' of gay people in my original post. Were idiots made fun of because I associated them with Air Tran, or Vampires with FedEx, etc. I think not. Have a drink and relax...and let me know when were scheduled to fly together, so I can call in sick...retard!

My apologies to retards who are offended at being associated with this clown...and now to clowns as well.
FNG_that's me said:
Here's the current deal on hiring...get ready, this is a joke:

UPS- you need to want to be a slave driving management pilot(scab's preferred)

FedEx- relative or lover already at the company, part vampire, no crosswind landing techniques needed

SWA- pathetic wannabee willing to fork out 7 grand for a 1 in 5 shot at getting a job

Air Tran- idiot's only

Jetblue- you must be a pretty boy or gay...both is preferred.

Did I miss any?

Your Jetblue requirement confirms what I said. Grow up isn't the best I can do, but it's foolish to debate you on the merits of making fun of someone's sexual pref. If you don't realize how childish and junior high that is then you sure don't belong working at a professional airline. I can only hope and assume your post is to bait someone into an immature argument.

With that said..I'm done with it.
I don't like picking on people, but this is too easy.

Captain Overs said:
I can only hope and assume your post is to bait someone into an immature argument.

Good job Einstein!!

I don't want an discussion here. If you can't post anything funny, then go away. Have you no concept of humor? Didn't you just tell someone in another forum that if they aren't having fun at what they are doing then they should move on to something else? Move on!

Great job, buzzkiller!

By the way:

gay () :
  1. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.
  2. Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
  3. Dissolute; licentious
  4. Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny room.
  5. Given to social pleasures.
I didn't pick the definition, you did!
Back to the original post. If you know somebody well over here who can attest to your aviation skills and has a "Blue Dart", you can get put to the front of the line for an interview. Otherwise, like everybody else said, apply online, wait and update. Best of Luck!
Tell 'em on your resume that you want to fly the Ejet 100 seat narrowbody airliners for 50 seat RJ wages . . . and you'll be proud to do it.
Draginass said:
Tell 'em on your resume that you want to fly the Ejet 100 seat narrowbody airliners for 50 seat RJ wages . . . and you'll be proud to do it.

i hate to break it to the 50 seat drivers....but there are gonna be a lot of 50 seaters getting sunburn in the desert pretty soon! especially when jetblue is getting 200, 100 seaters. reality sucks, eh!

if i were a 50 seat driver...i'd be suckin up as hard as i could to get a 100 seat job, or better! just my opinion! if you want to fly?

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