I always see ads and salaries of airlines in their websies. How about corporate flight departments. How do Ifind out what corporatins have an aviation departement? I know that Coca-cola bellsouth, Home depot have flight Ops in Atlanta because Isee them take off everyday at FTY which is also wher eI train at. Ihave heard that Waffle House has a flight dept at PDK across town. Wal MArt has there aviation dept on their website.
But how do I find out about others? Like I didnt know Wachovia had a flight dept until Iread about it on this website. And how do I find out what the minimums to get hired are? Its not ontheir websites? Thanks
But how do I find out about others? Like I didnt know Wachovia had a flight dept until Iread about it on this website. And how do I find out what the minimums to get hired are? Its not ontheir websites? Thanks