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Houston pilot accepting job offers!

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You're a pilot, don't get stuck in where you live at this point. If you already have that mind set, you are in the wrong business. So check out some of the flight schools in AZ that are offering $50K per year to experienced instructors.

Haha. Yeah, I would be all about it but my wife currently makes more $$ than I would be making for several years at an airline or something. Her job is here. Doesn't really make sense to move far off to make less money. If I were single though...
most guys I know say its a he$$ of alot better than flight instructing and more fun so I really dont know what youexpect or are looking for with your time. Carriers like Air cargo carriers and IBC airways take on guys with 250 hours!! and turbine aircraft. But you gotta be just like a salesman and sell yourself but the jobs are thier!! make a few calls and see what happens good luck
I sent them my resume and didn't hear anything. I'm starting to think maybe the airlines aren't for me...

if you are already sick of instructing, maybe flying isnt for you either.

You are a bit too low time for the charter operators in houston but in a few months youll be closer to 1000 hours and be more marketable. If you are married and like to spend time with the wifey i would reccomed the regionals. Most 135 ops work the new hires like crazy for the first 6 months to a year.

either way hang in there it takes time. I had about 1000 hours tt and 500 dual given before I got my first turbine job, and I was lucky. Some of my older collegues had a couple thousland hours of dual given before they got their first jet job.

Best wishes!
Apply for the Dallas ANG (C-130s), or I think San Antonio has a C-5 reserve unit, and I believe Houston's fighter unit is converting to UAV (predator's)... the only one I know about for sure is the Dallas herc's... you can fly part time and be with your wife... or you could go to the Barksdale (Shrevport, La) and do reserve A-10s or B-52s. Just options if you like to fly, but your wife makes enough to support you... you could have the best life in the world... be a reservist/guardsman, be a stay at home dad, fly part time and have a sugar momma!
I sent them my resume and didn't hear anything. I'm starting to think maybe the airlines aren't for me...

LOL......at this point you don't know what's for you. This industry is built for strong men and women if you have been conditioned for the good life this IS NOT for you so don't bother taking a senority number anywhere
LOL......at this point you don't know what's for you. This industry is built for strong men and women if you have been conditioned for the good life this IS NOT for you so don't bother taking a senority number anywhere

I didn't mean I wouldn't like them. I've been doing some part time semi-corporate stuff and I really like it. I'm one of those guys that believes everything happens for a reason. I guess it came out wrong. And just because I'm ready to move up doesn't mean I don't like instructing and don't like flying. Instructing is still better than doing any other non-flying job I can think of...
Apply for the Dallas ANG (C-130s), or I think San Antonio has a C-5 reserve unit, and I believe Houston's fighter unit is converting to UAV (predator's)... the only one I know about for sure is the Dallas herc's... you can fly part time and be with your wife... or you could go to the Barksdale (Shrevport, La) and do reserve A-10s or B-52s. Just options if you like to fly, but your wife makes enough to support you... you could have the best life in the world... be a reservist/guardsman, be a stay at home dad, fly part time and have a sugar momma!

Don't you have to go to OCS?
yes you do (well a fake reserve/guard version of it anyways), if they want to hire you, they will send you to OCS and then send you to flight school and then to the FTU (about a 2 year process)... assuming you already have a college degree.

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