This cracks me up. Whenever there is a Horizon post on here, it always comes down to this stupid UND topic. You guys need to get over it. Who cares. If you can fly the stupid airplane and land it without braking off the landing gear, then who cares where you got your training. Now I know there are a lot of pilots out there that are way more qualifyied than the UND guys, so I do wonder why we are still hiring them right now. I think it is a management ploy because these guys have no idea how airline flying is and they won't complain because they are grateful for the job. Kind of a divide and conquer tactic. But that's my opinion. Just remember guys, upgrade is over 4 1/2 years now and isn't going to get any better anytime soon because we deferred our jet order. No more jets for 2 years and then only 2 a year. Still want to work here?