I would agree that USAir in this case midjudged the arbitraters decision but I still think DOH, Length of service does matter.
You are correct that DOH/LOS matters, it's part of the equation, but so does Category/status ratios and yes, career expectations.
Although all seniority integrations will turn on their own facts, of those three elements, DOH/LOS, Category/Status and career expectations, without question the biggest factor and the one which has dominated recent seniority list integrations has been Category/Status.
Career expectations and DOH/LOS have played minor roles, but their value is uncertain. If DOH had a standard value across the industry, we'd all upgrade within the same time period into the same equipment. The DOH of a pilot at CMR, for example, does not carry the same weight as the DOH of a pilot at DAL. Career expectations can also play a minor role, but the equity that has carried the most weight is the value of the job brought to the merger, Category/Status.
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