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Here's to you...Mr. I failed a Checkride person

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Failed a ride or learned a lesson?

I think you learned something.

People learn best from mistakes. I know it's a great way to never forget something. Any error I've ever made in a plane, is ALWAYS is at the forefront of my mind. Mistakes stick out and if you realize it was a mistake and why it occured, you'll be on your way to experience.

Whatever it was that you goofed up on the 135 ride will keep you alive when you're out there alone.
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Thanks everyone...i passed it today and started my flying. Experianced my first Ice, it was a good first day. Keep in touch everyone
Good job - fly safe
Learning Experience!

I DID IT, I FAILED ONE AND I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT....feel free to post your sorrow, or to just make fun of mine.....enjoy

What kinda ride did you bust?

Make it into a "Learning Experience" and be able to talk about it positively in an interview.

Just make sure you don't bust a professional ride like say a "Type Ride"

But hey, everybody has a bad day. I'm sure a lot of us have had one!

Good Luck!
What kinda ride did you bust?

Make it into a "Learning Experience" and be able to talk about it positively in an interview.

Just make sure you don't bust a professional ride like say a "Type Ride"

But hey, everybody has a bad day. I'm sure a lot of us have had one!

Good Luck!

it was a 135 ride. thankfully it wasn't a type ride

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