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Here's to you...Mr. I failed a Checkride person

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Jun 29, 2004
I DID IT, I FAILED ONE AND I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT....feel free to post your sorrow, or to just make fun of mine.....enjoy

That would be sympathy, 'cause there's no "point and laugh" emoticon. ;)

Better luck next time (and don't forget to learn something from it).

Fly safe!

It does suck bilgewater doesn't it. The good news is you probably don't have to hide from your instructor for a few months due to the shame of failure.
If you are at a 141 flight school just remember that you didnt pink slip anything. No one will know down the line when it comes job interviews and the like.

If it was a pink slip... learn from it, fix the problem and move on, a busted checkride on its own wont even make an interviewer bat an eye if you are honest about it and learn from it.
What kind of checkride was it?
Don't sweat it too much... learn from it and move on. 135 flying(especially single pilot) is probably the most demanding flying out there. Keep a safe attitude about everything you do, and you'll be fine. Oh! And don't forget to have fun - it was some of the most fun flying I have done as well! And it beats the hell out of flying a desk. Good luck.
If you are at a 141 flight school just remember that you didnt pink slip anything.
Just to keep from spreading this mis-conception I occasionally see on these boards:
A 141 school in an of itself is not checkride authority. That is an extra "authorization" granted to some 141 schools who meet the pass rate requirements and apply for that authority.

I could be wrong, but in my experience, that "Examining Authority" is the exception rather than the rule.

At most schools, after completing the course, you still have to take a "Checkride" with a DE or FSDO - which results in the same "white" or "pink" slip after the checkride.

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