To everyone who responded thank you!!!!
I appreciate all the input, really.
But I don't think many of you took the time to read my original post or bothered to look at my profile. I have been a professional (and I use the term loosely) pilot for quite some time, which is why these friends came to me for assistance in advising their son. Since I am in the corporate world and have been for quite a while I have lost touch with contacts in the area of entry level type jobs. The purpose of my post was not to invite comment on whether or not this kid was to full of himself to instruct or that he needed a lesson in humility but rather I was just trying to gain some local knowledge about possible opportunities for a fledgeling pilot who was looking to advance through the ranks without having to instruct for a few years. Nothing more, nothing less.
I applaud the kid for having the balls to ask me for his help. As I've posted before, I've counseled him about paying his dues and told him not to expect much with so little time/experience but that doesn't mean I can't ask if anyone has some local insight as to who might be looking for a low time kid willing to work for relatively low wages in a specific geographic area.
All this being said, if any of you out there know of an operator on Long Island who employs low time pilots I'd appreciate hearing about it so I can pass along the info.
Thanks Again!!
PS: Thanks Gumby, now get back to work slacker!!!!!
To everyone who responded thank you!!!!
I appreciate all the input, really.
But I don't think many of you took the time to read my original post or bothered to look at my profile. I have been a professional (and I use the term loosely) pilot for quite some time, which is why these friends came to me for assistance in advising their son. Since I am in the corporate world and have been for quite a while I have lost touch with contacts in the area of entry level type jobs. The purpose of my post was not to invite comment on whether or not this kid was to full of himself to instruct or that he needed a lesson in humility but rather I was just trying to gain some local knowledge about possible opportunities for a fledgeling pilot who was looking to advance through the ranks without having to instruct for a few years. Nothing more, nothing less.
I applaud the kid for having the balls to ask me for his help. As I've posted before, I've counseled him about paying his dues and told him not to expect much with so little time/experience but that doesn't mean I can't ask if anyone has some local insight as to who might be looking for a low time kid willing to work for relatively low wages in a specific geographic area.
All this being said, if any of you out there know of an operator on Long Island who employs low time pilots I'd appreciate hearing about it so I can pass along the info.
Thanks Again!!
PS: Thanks Gumby, now get back to work slacker!!!!!