I read quickly but I didn't see anything about the oral. Our nearby D.E. says that the oral is 55% of the ride. Know your airplane better than the company that built it. That's a big difference between a Private Single and Comm Multi. You didn't say which airplane, but let's assume the mighty Seminole is involved. A fair question would be - Where does the fuel for the Janitrol Heater come from? If the engine failed on the side the fuel is being pumped from would the Janitrol Heater fail? (I know some people would say that you don't need any more heat in the cockpit if the engine just died!)
My point is - you really have to be in the POH / Airplane Manual.
Know you complex systems cold - Landing Gear, hydraulics, brakes, crossfeed & other fuel system peculiarities, electrical, etc.
Weight and balance - you will be a commercial pilot. Regs - you will be a commercial pilot that might be approached to do flying.
The flying part is easy but made harder if you've just been struggling for two hours worth of oral to get answers out.
Good luck.
My point is - you really have to be in the POH / Airplane Manual.
Know you complex systems cold - Landing Gear, hydraulics, brakes, crossfeed & other fuel system peculiarities, electrical, etc.
Weight and balance - you will be a commercial pilot. Regs - you will be a commercial pilot that might be approached to do flying.
The flying part is easy but made harder if you've just been struggling for two hours worth of oral to get answers out.
Good luck.