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Snot-nosed college boy!!
Jul 24, 2003
Now, I am not the kind of person that doesen't like jumping from one job to another job, I like to say "I'm loyal to the company". But in all the years that I have been an employee (4 companies in 16 years), I have never been asked to fill out my own performance review!

Can you believe that??!!??

So, here is the question of the day.....Have you ever had to fill out your own performance review?

Well, since I have noticed that I can touch the rim of the toilet bowl as the company I am working for is flushing itself, I decided that it was time to activily pursure other employment. Friday I made a visit back in my old stomping grounds and today I got a phone call, should be going into HR next week.
I can believe that, actually. I worked at one company flying (not turning wrenches) in which we were required to "reapply" for our jobs not once, but twice. On two separate occasions, the owner/DO announced that he was going to have to let employees to to cut costs, and he wanted a letter detailing why we should keep our jobs. We then had two interviews in order to keep our current jobs...each time.

Talk about humiliating. I think the bile was rising in my throat before I ever went in for the interview...why should I keep you as an employee over anybody else?

What was really sickening was watching employee after employee enter that room and beg for the job, and offer to work for less in order to stay.

I didn't. I went in the room and told them they knew who I was, what I did and either they considered me an asset or not...but I wasn't taking a cut in pay, and I wasn't going to beg. I stayed a while and when something else came along, I quit.
Oh well, I think we have all had to do that before. This goes beyond that.

I am talking about for your yearly raise and review.
They have me doing a review of myself over the past year, isn't the supervisor suppose to do that and them give it to the manager, then you get called to the office, he gives you your review and your incentive for staying another year.

What i've already got here (brazil) is telling the personal person why you should be hired. Unfortunately here we don't have employees review, so there's a LOT of shitty mechanics who don't get fired 'cos they're the bosses beer-mate. :(
who don't get fired 'cos they're the bosses beer-mate

This happens here too, but it was more the shotty managers and especially our trainer who should have been fired. That and if you were a wannabe biker because you bought a new Harley you were golden.

I was told to write my own review last year too. My supervisor read it and then wrote his own and had a meeting with me to compare the two. It was more of a "how do you feel you do compared to how I feel you do" from him. It was kind of cool. Of course our shotty POS trainer/base manager left it sitting on his desk for months and it simply disappeared after awhile along with my 3 year raise request from my supervisor.

It's too bad we had people like that...and kept them anyway. Most of our mechanics and floor supervisors were pretty cool but I ended up leaving the company because of the Harley club/drinking buds political BS from the upper management who could give a rats azz about the real workers.

I worked for an OEM that didn't really want our facility anymore and towards the end they would hire somewhat less than satisfactory supervisors. Mine made me fill mine out because he was new and had no idea what he was doing.

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