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Hainan Airlines

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Jul 15, 2002
I have an offer to fly 328 jets for Hainan. Wondering if anyone has flown for them or knows anyone who has. Any info please !!!
Partly financed by Malaysia's favorite son, George Soros. Saw that Cathay's first Chek Lap Kok (Hong Kong). What exactly they intend doing with them is a bit of a mystery.
Hainan itself is in the throes of a massive development, adding beach resorts, hotels, casinos and the like. Remember though, that it's principally aimed at Chinese tourists, so it may not be exactly as you imagined...
Wow - I am surprised they still fly D328Js. I know Hainan has been moving more into 737s, 767s and now A330s. The island is beautiful - very tourist oriented.

As long as the pay is good and your living arrangements are "acceptable" I say go for it for a few years. How long is the contract? I wouldn't do it for more than 2-3 years max - hopefully the US market will be better for pilots by then.

Good luck!
Last time I was in a Hainan resort it was full of Russians.

Although they looked like they were auditioning for Austin Powers IV, the fundamentals were exceptional.


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