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Guns In The Cockpit

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Concealed weapons laws are different by state, and when you land in a state that says carrying a gun is illegal, you just broke the law. Not to mention that it is a felony to have a firearm inside of an airport's "sterile area". You would have to have it locked in a case, separate from your ammo which is locked in another case. Pointless! You might as well just throw your gun at him.

Don't get me wrong, I am a CCW holder myself and think everyone has the right to carry. It's just that many states don't see it that way.
Gulfstream 200 said:
If for any reason some terroritst wanted your little learjet all he has to do is call a broker, get a flight, put a pistol in his briefcase, walk through the pretty FBO (uhh...security?), hop in back, have a coke, let you climb to XXXX ALT - and then walk up and shoot you in the head. Its now his. Nevermind your acrobatics and pressurization antics buddy - you never saw it coming.

Yes I'm from Cali, born and raised in So Cal. Love guns - have plenty. But as you said, as a pilot we would have no warning. Click - boom - dead. In an airliner I would be all for going to FFDO training. But with no door and only a curtain seperating me from the pax, I think having a firearm would only endanger the a/c. I maybe wrong, but it's just my opinion.

You may have a sense of security with a gun in the cockpit. Probably a false sense of security. Shooting tin cans and paper targets doesn't remotely compare to 1)finding your gun in a cockpit with everything else in a very roomy corporate cockpit 2)deciding on what to do in a matter of milli-secondsand 3) refocusing your current thought process to a life or death matter. Sometimes you can't control your destiny.

There is no clear answer to this. But there is always pros and cons to consider. Take the darn thing if it floats your boat and pay the consequences if necessary. I was always told it's best to be judged by a jury of 12 than carried by 6.
CaptainSpaz said:
I am a little foggy on what that means or how it applies to what you were trying to say...

Well, judged by 12 is in a courtroom ya know, a jury of yours peers.... carried by 6 as in like pallbearers, the dudes who carry ya out in a nice pine box an inna suit and stuff...
freightdogfred said:
Well, judged by 12 is in a courtroom ya know, a jury of yours peers.... carried by 6 as in like pallbearers, the dudes who carry ya out in a nice pine box an inna suit and stuff...

Let me rephrase my question, since Fred has helped me master the obvious:

1) When in particular is it better to be judged by your peers rather than dead?

2) How does this apply to the topic of this thread?

3) Who "always" told you this soarby007 and in what context did they use the phrase?
I think what he meant was that it is better to be arrested and charged with illegally carrying a gun, than getting a .45 cal lobotomy. Granted the odds are miniscule an event requiring one would transpire, but some guys feel it is their right to carry a gun per the 2nd ammendment, regardless of what an employer says.
The company where I tag along considered allowing firearms, but decided that my farts are noxious enough to disarm any wild-eyed looney with an agenda.

I always wondered why the PICs donned the O2 mask as part of the Final Items check before taking the runway. :nuts:
timeoff said:
I think what he meant was that it is better to be arrested and charged with illegally carrying a gun, than getting a .45 cal lobotomy. Granted the odds are miniscule an event requiring one would transpire, but some guys feel it is their right to carry a gun per the 2nd ammendment, regardless of what an employer says.

Aaah, I see. I hadn't read it that way, or ever heard that expression.
What about the part 121 carriers that fly the 1900. Is there a door in that plane or is it wide open? I would certainly want a firearm if I were in one of those things.

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