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Great Plains

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Nov 12, 2002
I heard Great Plains got two more airplanes. Does anyone know what their hiring plans are and if more planes are coming?
I don't know whether they are still interviewing or not, but I have heard that they are have a new hire class this month, hope it helps!
2 new airplanes on the ramp with 2 more to come from Germany. All are scheduled to be in service by the end of March. Two more classes of pilots, Feb 17th-ish and probably mid-March with 8-10 pilots each. They're probably interviewing right now for both classes so get your stuff in ASAP.

Go to www.gpair.com or www.greatplainsairlines.com

Good luck
I was over at the hanger the last few days and saw the 2 new ones. Like Swaaze said, I guess the other two are in germany. Their head of maintenance also stated they are going to hire soon. Seems like things are looking up for them since they are getting more planes.

Tulsa Rules.
GP has recently added a Hiring minumums on their career page...3000TT 1000ME and ATP.
2 for 1 ??

I heard that Dornier had 12-14 aircraft sitting on the ramp in Germany in various stages of completion...
Last I heard they were trying to get rid of them relatively cheap, some don't even have engines on them, supposidly...

Does anybody know if the GP aircraft are from that lot? There was/is a RUMOR that Skyway was trying to get some of the aircraft for next to nothing. We're always trying to get something for nothing, that's why we're the only regional not growing right now.
If it helps the moral any, Skyway isn't the only one out there not hiring, Mesaba is furloughing and downgrading as well. We can start a club to meet at the bar and commiserate.


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