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Great Lakes

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2002
I just applied to Great Lakes Airlines out in Cheyenne, WY. Does anyone have info on them? Like what the ground school is like?

Still a little ticked...

I'm still a little bothered that I went through and paid the $28 to fill out the online application, but never even got a postcard acknowledging that they received my information. Yes or no, I'd at least like to know if they have me on file, or if my $28 just went totally to waste.

I got an email from them the very next morning letting me know they recieved my application & resume. I also got an email from them this morning after I sent in past employer info. Do they have your email address? Here is their email address if you want to contact them to confirm that they got your application. [email protected] or call 1-800-438-2772 M-F 9-5 EST. Hope this helps!
Good place to go if you want to build time. That is about it. The only good thing about the place is the people. As far as quality of life, there is none. Ground school is fast and furious. They cover a lot of material in a short amount of time. Know how to fly instruments before you get there. That is one thing they will not teach you. They have been working on a new contract for quite some time so some things might improve there. Then again they may strike and go out of business too.
Ground School = Fire Hose
Sim = Cluster Fu#k
Flight Training = Fiasco
IOE = Much Better
Reserve = What Reserve
On line = Mucho flight time, experience, and friends

I fly for lakes and enjoy it alot. My biggest concern is dinero!
Cornelius, how long are most of your trips and are they all overnights?

Also, what is the upgrade situation looking like?

Lakes moved to Cheyenne about 1.5-2 years ago so we could be closer to out main hub, Denver. The city of Cheyenne also helped tremendously with building our new headquarters and I think the state had something to do with it to.

My situation is a little different than the guys in the 1900 since i'm in the brasilia. The line I have been getting is 83 hrs of flying and 15 days off. All my trips are 3 days with every overnight in Casper Wyoming. The guys and gals in the 1900 typically have 70-80 hrs of flying with 10-12 days off. They have trips as long as 5 days and sometimes two back-to-back 3 day trips. The brasilia side is much more efficient since there are only a few of us.

Upgrade is way junior right now because a lot of guys are leaving to AWAC, Skywest, Comair.
Cornelius said:
My situation is a little different than the guys in the 1900 since i'm in the brasilia. The line I have been getting is 83 hrs of flying and 15 days off.

Did you bid this after a while or were you assigned the Brasilia at hire date?
How hard is it to bid this instead of the 1900?
Is the pay scale any different in the Brasilia?

Thanks for the info,
I was originally in the 1900 last year, then I was furloughed. When I got recalled I was put in the EMB-120 along with 3 other FOs. Brasilia is much harder to fly than the 1900 I think. I love it now, but learning it was difficult in the beginning. Usually you are put in the EMB-120 during new-hire training. There is no pay difference.

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