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Great Lakes Furloughs Again

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Sad to hear guys!

Just talked to my buddy over at Lakes, and he told me the news.......sad to hear........guess the instructing mode goes back on for you guys. Really is a shame.

Sure wish you guys are able to hope back on, or even better yet, get a job offer at a better place!

I believe that the union negotiators received a small percentage of each members gaurentee, as per the vote.

BTW, if you haven't been a Laker, then get a clue before you go rippin' on current Lakers. The IBT is pathetic and they give little help to rank and file members.

-Former Laker
The small percentage of each members guarantee is called an assessment fee. This is ONLY used to cover lost hours of flying while the negotiating team is in negotiations. For example, if one of the negotiators was scheduled to fly 10 hours during a week of negotiations, the pilot would not lose that 10 hours of pay. The company would pay the pilot as if he flew the 10 hours, and bill the IBT for it. The cost of the 10 hours to the IBT would then come out of the assessment fund. And thats how that works.
DrunkIrishman said:
BTW, if you haven't been a Laker, then get a clue before you go rippin' on current Lakers.
-Former Laker

Well then, from one Laker to another... I do have a clue and believe me, I have earned every right to say whatever I please and then some.

As for the IBT, there's no doubt they could do better and I've never said otherwise. But simply bitching here to us isn't going to get it done. The pilot group must do better if they wish to stop using the contract as tiolet paper as you so eloquently put it. And as candaflyau points out, the group has potential, but they need to DEMAND more and they need to do it quickly. More of the IBT and of THEMSELVES.

WEll, I gotta go take a P-----y and wipe my E---n. I hope we're not out of contract to wipe with.

More GLA Furlough Information

I got a call from the chief pilot last Wednesday regarding my furlough. They are still furloughing 17 pilots at Great Lakes, but the 7 most senior of that group will not be furloughed until June 1st now instead of May 15th. (The remaining 10 will still be furloughed on May 15th.) Fortunatly, I fall into the group that will be furloughed on June 1st. The furlough will affect seniority numbers 234 and below. (That equates to about 2/3 of the the October 2002 class being furloughed and all of the the November 2002 class on furlough.) I guess that Great Lakes got a copy of United's schedule this last week and apparently whatever information GLA was looking for, they got. The chief pilot said that they would probably not be furloughing any more pilots after the June 1st group gets furloughed, so those remaining 6 that were talked about earlier are "sort of safe" apparently.
One other thing....

One other thing that the chief pilot told me- He said that of the 7 that are being furloughed on June 1st, if enough senior people start quiting, then he would recall us as people quit and potentially we might not get furloughed at all. Meaning that I need 4 senior pilots to quit between now and June 1st to avoid furlough. (I know that 6 captains quit here in the last week, most of which went to ATA, one went to Comair, but the company was already planning on those guys quiting prior to the latest furlough.) So, to any of you senior pilots at Great Lakes that are hired at another carrier and waiting on a ground school and would like to take some time off between now and the start of your ground schoool, now would be a good time to resign. Also to any of you captains that I have flown with that are thinking about getting out of the industry alltogather, now would be a good time to get out and let those of us that really want to be here, continue to be here.
Do they have any idea when they will be recalling the furloughees?
Thanks for the info Heavy_D, it saves me from having to hassle poor C.S. or J.P. Hope things work out for ya.

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