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Great Lakes Furloughs Again

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canadflyau said:
Maybe I should say " No one is reminding pilots to stop picking up open time, and to fly guarantee only..." Embdrvr I couldn't agree with you more, but after we heard about the furloughs, we were shown how the new "beefed" up lines were looking, and I could be wrong but I thought I heard people complimenting the change.. very disheartening

The APA learned a big lesson on this a couple of years ago. The RLA prohibits any self-help action until being released by the NMB. An official union statement telling the pilot group not to pick up open time is considered a self-help action. The APA got fined considerably for their statements to the pilots to not pick up open time. The union can't really make any official statements to the pilot group about this, but the pilots themselves should know better.
I thought there was more to that APA lawsuit than not picking up open time. Anyone remember the details?
Time to start leaving notes in the airplane?
Suggested verbiage:
Respect the furloughees. Say no to open time!
Well, you can blame it on the national union if you want, but that is only one part of the equation. Several other carriers are teamsters and their unions are doing a very good job, however I do understand the lack of support compared to ALPA.

Bottom line is this, blaming IBT is not your whole problem. The BIG problem is the MEC at Lakes. They have only one objective in mind, that's to line their own pockets. Check their track record if you are new to the company. It is one of disgust and are an embarassment to the profession.

But, no one stays there long enough or cares to vote them out so they stay in office forever and maintain the status quo. (ex. FO pay under $17000/yr. for the last 10 years, allowing 10 leg days, and routine violations of the contract by the company going un-challenged.)
Redtailer said:
The BIG problem is the MEC at Lakes. They have only one objective in mind, that's to line their own pockets.

What the heck is this supposed to mean? The MEC at Lakes doesnt make a frickin dime to do any Union work.
The BIG problem is the MEC at Lakes. They have only one objective in mind, that's to line their own pockets.

Good question Fuzzy... Yes I am new Redtailer, but I have no idea how pockets are getting lined? Can you share how please?

I am not upset with Teamsters National. From my previous experience with ALPA I would assume that the Teamsters are set up the same, and when I refer to "Teamsters" I of course mean here at Lakes. However with that said, in my phone calls to the Teamsters HQ, I called them after they put out the press release b/c at the end of the release it stated Great Lakes operates B-1900's from 5 hubs Chicago, Minney, Page, Denver, and Cheyenne. I read the release and thought, our mgt in CYS is laughing at this saying "that pilot union is way behind the times (LOL)" When I spoke with the guy down there he said he not been informed that we were not hubbed at all those places anymore and that we "still" flew the EMB. He said "its great to hear from someone, thanks for the heads up! How are things going there?" That raised a flag to me about the involvement on the National side.

I would agree and say high turnover is a problem for our union, but with the proper steps and oversight from National I would thing that smooth transitions could occur without total loss of progress. I am making a guess here, but I think more involvement and support from National would help our leaders do their job, but that is just my opinion.
Redtailer said:
...you can blame it on...
...no one stays there long enough...

Big Red,

Why don't you refer to my previous post. If the MEC sucks, then why doesn't the group do something? Or maybe the pilot group sucks by not supporting unified causes? Maybe they all suck and Doug will be the ultimate victor. We can play the blame game all day long, but when it comes down to it, the people whose fate depends on these leaders should demand better of not only their leaders, but themselves.
I don't know if you currently work at Lakes, but if you do, why don't you do something to help. If you don't work there any longer, then I guess you too are part of the problem as you pointed out above. In that case, we're all ears for suggestions.

By the way, I'd like to hear you back up your accusation how anyone is lining their pockets in the union. As Fuzzy points out correctly, all Lakes pilot union positions are voluntary.

Seeeeeeeeee ya,
You know what, you're right. It is the fault of the pilot group for not putting their collective foot down in years past so that they could have a decent way of life. Of course the reason is that most of the pilots that worked at Lakes had the attitude of not being there long and they had other things to worry about.

I guess it's only just now coming up to bite them since there is really no place to go now.

As far as lining their own pockets, for the most part the position is unpaid, but I believe there is some type of compensation for the union work above the normal flight pay. Also, to believe that there were no kickbacks for a contract that was written in favor of management is not out of the realm of possibility. Honestly, I have never seen a contract so worded in management's favor and at the same time so abhorent to the pilots. I can't believe I would ever say it but you would be better off without a contract.
Also, I know of NO union that would tolerate an 60-80% failure rate in the training department. That may or may not be true today, but it was true as recently as 2 years ago. But, the same officers were in place for all of the preceding years.

Just for the record, I am not an employee but have known and flown with several over the years. Great group of employees, but the top on both the management and union sides not only suck, but appear to be in bed together to produce that toilet paper they call a contract.


The ALPA and IBT are similarly setup, but the support on the national level is the difference. The IBT national really does not do a great job compared to ALPA, but the pilot group is what make the IBT work at a particular airline.
Redtailer has absolutely no clue. We dont get paid squat above normal guarantee for doing any union work. Besides, the current contract was the first contract ever for the GLA pilots and it does suck but thats what were in negotiations for now isn't it???
GLA EXCO Chairman
about the pilot group

You know my position so I will not reiterate... As far as the pilot group that keeps getting bashed about not "demanding more" and sitting on their butts, I COULD NOT DISAGREE MORE!!

Since I have been here I have seen some major things done by the pilot group in 100% unison. 1)Making sure to follow the AIM's definition of a safe taxi speed 2) and 100% vote in favor of striking!!!

Until we are released I don't no that I could say we, as a pilot group could be doing more. We have given the people in the positions of our union all the backbone a pilot group can give, we voted 100% strike authorization.. That sounds like a resounding and resoulte group to me! Maybe I don't know the past inequities, but what I have seen thus far tell me we are all armed and ready to fire, we are just waiting for a target to aim at!
BRA said:
what DOH do they go back to?

If they also give another 6 the boot on June 1st, that will oust most or all of the October '02 class. August '02 hires would be safe. I think.

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