It may sound funny, but don't love flying TOO much. Professionally, she is a very harsh mistress. Be able to do something else you like, too. If I lost my medical tomorrow, I'd be bent, but not broke. I could still support my family, still work at something I like, and be happy.
Keep you first house, first wife, and retire rich.
Your ATP certificate and 777 type rating is STILL a license to learn.
Don't sweat a busted checkride. Take responsibility, correct it and move on.
Shun companies that want you to pay for training or demand training contracts. They cheapen the profession.
Support your union. People like your union brothers and sisters turned the commercial aviation industry from that of a bunch of poor vagabonds into a respected and well paid profession. Don't let anybody, even some of your so-called collegues, tell you that you're overpaid. Based on your education, experience, and training, your contemporaries in other professions are making as much or more. Don't let their jelousy color your sense of self-worth. Keep in mind that aviation is a BUSINESS. Don't let management to abuse your dedicatioin, just because you enjoy going to work. NEVER EVER EVER SCAB. Draw unemployment, get another job, but NEVER scab.
Don't compromise your character for anybody, not even yourself.
Keep you first house, first wife, and retire rich.
Your ATP certificate and 777 type rating is STILL a license to learn.
Don't sweat a busted checkride. Take responsibility, correct it and move on.
Shun companies that want you to pay for training or demand training contracts. They cheapen the profession.
Support your union. People like your union brothers and sisters turned the commercial aviation industry from that of a bunch of poor vagabonds into a respected and well paid profession. Don't let anybody, even some of your so-called collegues, tell you that you're overpaid. Based on your education, experience, and training, your contemporaries in other professions are making as much or more. Don't let their jelousy color your sense of self-worth. Keep in mind that aviation is a BUSINESS. Don't let management to abuse your dedicatioin, just because you enjoy going to work. NEVER EVER EVER SCAB. Draw unemployment, get another job, but NEVER scab.
Don't compromise your character for anybody, not even yourself.