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Graduate Thesis Survey

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Jan 2, 2010
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I am conducting a study on the effect that reliance on the Global Positioning System (GPS) has on your ability to navigate via other means. The responses that you provide to the survey will be used to analyze your flight habits and decision-making processes when navigating.
Responses are submitted to a database that does not identify users, so your answers will be completely confidential. Findings will be released only as analyzed data or summaries in which no individual’s answers can be identified.
Please take a few moments to share your opinions and experiences. I appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to contribute toward this important research about the effect of using GPS for flight navigation.
The survey can be found at : http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PYX6TYY . Please copy and paste into your web browser.
Best Regards,
Michael Hovastak
527 Space Aggressor Squadron
Adversary Plans Flight Commander
Graduate student in Aeronautical Science

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

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