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No.nosehair said:There! There it is! "A PT is prescribed when necessary." Who do you think is responsible for determining "when necessary"? Not the pilot?
Main Entry: pre·scribe
Pronunciation: pri-'skrIb
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): pre·scribed; pre·scrib·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin praescribere to write at the beginning, dictate, order, from prae- + scribere to write -- more at SCRIBE
intransitive senses
1 : to lay down a rule : DICTATE
2 [Middle English, from Medieval Latin praescribere, from Latin, to write at the beginning] : to claim a title to something by right of prescription
3 : to write or give medical prescriptions
4 : to become by prescription invalid or unenforceable
transitive senses
1 a : to lay down as a guide, direction, or rule of action : ORDAIN b : to specify with authority
2 : to designate or order the use of as a remedy
- pre·scrib·er noun
So far, I have never prescribed a procedure turn by any of those defintions. The TERPS people do that.