It's easy.
Make the boss look good and keep them out of trouble. But don't tolerate the B/S. The really hard part is listening to them say "I do everything by the book" only to find out that they do things differntly. Every CA has their own way of doing things and that is where an FO needs to be a diplomat, a politican so to speak. As an FO, one needs to recoginize each CA's picullar style of doing things and how they prioritize cockpit chores. Once you figure that out, you'll never fly with them again and then the process repeats itself with another one. Good luck...
A good co-pilot should be able to competently fly the aircraft at all times. There are a lot of operators (mostly cargo) who believe that the only thing wrong with Lear's are that you have to keep the other seat filled with a living, breathing, certified (not necessarily qualified) pilot. The worst part of it is that these so called "co-pilots" expect to get paid and the government won't even let us pay less than minimum wage! The best "training" I ever got was asking questions, photo copying the manual, sitting in the airplane learning switch positions, spending time in the maintenance hangar, bugging the crap out of mechanics, and learning everthing that I possibly could on the ground. Inflight is the worst time to go "what's that light mean?".
The Captain, more than the company will determine the aforementioned policy. I have had the best and the worst, luckily the best came first so I survived the rest.
I am always amazed when I'm sitting next to some guy who says that he won't go to fly for such and such because he would have to be a co-pilot. What's worse is when they have never had to be a co-pilot (most of the time). I love when a Captain tells his co-pilot (or the politically correct First Officer, also known as "the pilot not flying"), how terrible it would be to have to be a co-pilot for God's sake!
I for one can say that it has been the most eye opening and best learning experience I have ever had.
I guess I am kind of rambling now and will put the soap box back in the hangar.
One more thing: be vigiliant, patient, forthright, tactful, and ready to learn. The only hour that really matters is the one you're logging right now and you are just as dead (violated, fired, etc.) as he is if you let him/her do something stupid.
Willing to listen
Balance authority with respect
Set a good example
Demonstrate concern for task
Qualities of a good follower:
Shows respect
Accepts input
Use inquiry, advocacy, and assertion appropriately
Keep the leader informed
Offer to help
Demonstrate concern for task
Although most of us adhere to a set of SOP's, we are all individuals and have our own style. Use the above as a template and form an ideal FO and eventually... captain. You will also have to learn your conflict resolution skills OTJ. If you are observant, you will learn much about people and human behavior under varying degrees of pressure.
I don't know the key to being a good first officer/copilot, but I have a hunch it is sort of like being a good FE...
That way when this bombastic SOB you could buy and sell flying but for a few years and line numbers pontificates on why his flying, his career, his choice of domicile, or his choice for dinner is SO ABOLUTELY RIGHT you can quietly nod your head, feign the respect he so desparately craves, and daydream about your next BFM hop with the boys. $200 bucks an hour may buy you a lot of toys, but it won't stop you from being a jerk. My personal favorite type of Capt is the one who says "you MUST try this resturarant is outstanding.." after spending 2.5 hours regailing his 401k, his real estate deals, and his MD wife's salary. He drags your new hire butt into the most expensive joint within walking distance of the hotel and then greats the waiter with his first words...."can we get separate checks please?"... Anyone who ever flew with a Flying Tiger guy knows this is NOT the case with them. Its been over 10 years since that company disappeared but I am still embarrassed and overwhelmed at the amount of generosity those guys show new hires. And...95% of the dudes I've met are great....but one FE said to me the other day "the worst part of being an airline pilot is I have to work around all these *(&% airline pilots!". I laughed out loud at that one. One long trip with a jerk on the cockpit is enough to make his point.
Just so you don't think I'm "attitude boy", most of the guys I've met both in our company and jumpseating offline have been great. But if you ever see a "bully" captain or a "micromanager" type working over an FO it does tend to make you roll your eyes.
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