Nah, just gathering my thoughts and thinking it is SO wonderful that I have had a change of heart and that I will be POSITIVE from now on---especially with the regional pilots. Makes me feel FANTASTIC, really. Anyway, I think the SWA/AT merger will be interesting, and hopefully kicks Delta into gear to do something to compete better against them. Also, that brings up the wages of a competitor in DL's backyard, which helps with future compensation talks. Overall, an interesting day.
So, you have a FANTASTIC day yourself, and do something positive for someone or something, like feed a stray cat some left over chicken from your fridge. Bye now.
Bye Bye--General Lee
Delta just announced they are going to start an airline called "Sang" to compete with the combined SWA/AT. It will cost 500 million to start it and 700 million to dismantle it when they figure out that starting a spin-off airline was a stupid idea to begin with.