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Future of PDT and ALG

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Jun 20, 2003
Lifted this from a different thread...

PDT Hotline Update

"Over the past year and a half we have persistently and proactively sought to protect the jobs and careers of Piedmont pilots during very difficult times for all of us. Our options have been very limited; with only one pointing to a possibly secure future and the other towards certain demise. Our pilot group overwhelming opted to help the airline remain viable and strong, and have fully lived up to their commitments via concessions and continued exemplary performance despite archaic conditions.

Your MEC has learned that current projections for Piedmont and Allegheny airlines point to us remaining turboprop operations, and we feel it is our obligation and duty to pass this information along to you. In the knowledge that USAirways intends to replace turboprop flying over the course of restructuring with regional jet equipment, we can only draw the obvious conclusion at this time.

There are enough reasons to believe that in and ever changing restructuring landscape, the scenery will continue to shift, and that we, if only by default, may still remain an active player. But at the same time, this is in itself enough cause for alarm on a broader scale, since the restructuring plan as filed with the bankruptcy court contains specific guidelines and economic goals to be achieved through specific implementation strategies. The 'plan' remains hardly recognizable at this point, and it is becoming 'crystal' clear that many key pieces are still missing and others will be considerably delayed. Rest assured that your MEC is already taking the necessary and appropriate action in response to this news, the possibility for which we have prudently prepared for over the course. But in light of these developments we strongly recommend that you also carefully consider your long term futures and plan accordingly."

IS THIS TRUE......I’m looking for conformation on this hotline.
Any Piedmonsters out there chime in.

I'm not surprised, how can Piedmont compete when we earned a livable wage. Airways is giving everything to the lowest bidder regardless of the quality of service provided which will directly affect the long term survival of Airways. I am just trying to understand CHQ's loss of financing, as they already were underpaid or is Mgmt beginning to see that flying these RJ's for less than standard wages still does not bring their operating costs in line?

Ex-Piedmont Pilot
You heard it right!!

It is true!!!! SBY had a meeting recently and a MX buddy of mine was told that PDT was going to operate -8's through 2004 and then be shut down. By the end of 2004 most all of the prop flying will be replaced by RJ's and PDT will no longer be needed. I am glad that all of our concessions and restructuring for mainline paid off. PSA and MDT will operate RJ's and the rest will be farmed out to the contract guy's. I had heard from credible sources years ago that mainline wanted only one WO, and it looks like they will get their wish at the end of next year. I am glad that I left after only wasting 5 years there instead of 20. I wish them the best.....
I only wasted 5 years at PDT too. Proud to say I "planned accordingly for my future" by being one of the 44 who voted no on the TA. The writing has been on the wall for years. The MEC absolutly refused to realize Piedmont's fate and show some ballz. This is coupled with company leaders who are the worst excuse of leadership the industry could offer. There are mearly USair group puppets to the pilots and staff of PDT. Business 101 anyone?
dhc8ap said:
I am just trying to understand CHQ's loss of financing, as they already were underpaid or is Mgmt beginning to see that flying these RJ's for less than standard wages still does not bring their operating costs in line?

Ex-Piedmont Pilot

Our furloughs are a ploy by management... What CHQ management has failed to tell everyone, is that Delta has exercised another 30 jets.. Our flying has increased next month by 5.3%...CHQ has even continued hiring this week!!! OT phone calls are almost OBNOXIOUS !! Phones are ringing off the hook..
The furloughs are trying to scare the pilot group into submission after our 94% vote to strike.
This is only firing up the pilot group more...
Not only is CHQ making TONS of money, they have enough money to start ANOTHER airline, (REPUBLIC).
The race to the bottom has been slowed by the CHQ pilot group.
PDT and ALG pilots: The fight must be fought now, NOT when it is too late. Like us, the only time to fight, is when you still have some value left...

Good Luck..
I really think that things will work out for ALG and PDT. I know the morale is low for both carriers now, but you have got to keep your chin up. It's always darkest before the dawn.
Has PDT, ALG and PSA worked on getting one list?
as i believe either 328dude, or btdII have stated in other threads, the senior guys at psa won't go for a unified seniorty due to the greater amount of more senior pilots at both alg/pdt, perhaps whichever of them it was can confirm this here
Hey EightDriver,
How's the other biz? ROA hasn't changed some of the guys bolted over to ACA and are out on the street again.

-Hey, Do you have the number of that truck driving school? I might need that

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