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full time corporate in asia

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Da Vinci

Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
hey eveyone. I'm 33, 1000+SIC hrs in a EMB 145 and 2000+ tt and am starting to think about the next step-which I think is corporate. My wife is japanese and we'd some day like to live in Japan. I'm wondering if I qualify for, or if there is any corporate flying in Asia. I've done a little research but it seems without making phone calls, there isn't a lot of info to be had on the internet with my experience. I've hear there are a few outfits that will fly pilots to asia (hong kong especially) for 2wks, then fly them back to the states. I think that would be perfect for me. I'm just fishing for any leads here and any advise or direction would be very appreciated.
DV--This is just what I've observed and I can't claim a high degree of accuracy but here goes:

There is a lot of activity (relatively speaking) in the HKG/Macau area--but it's big airplane stuff (G550, BBJ, Global and a smattering of big Falcons).

Corporate aviation in Asia is in its infancy. There have been many restrictions on private aviation there--a great (and stunning) example of this is Taiwan. We dropped off the owner in a southern city and he had to take the train to Taipei because it is illegal for any private aircraft (even his own!) to transport someone between airports in Taiwan. :eek:

I'm sure there are confiscatory tax implications in a variety of countries, too, but you get the point.

I think corporate aircraft ownership is increasing in PRC but there are probably still more bizjets based in Morristown than in the entire country of China. JMO.

Good luck. TC
I think corporate aircraft ownership is increasing in PRC but there are probably still more bizjets based in Morristown than in the entire country of China. JMO.

Good luck. TC

That goes for New Zealand as well - and prob Australia also - the only time i've been to Morristown it was dark - but i saw quite a few "shiny" jets
There are quite a few job opportunities happening in Asia now. The problem is, they're probably not listed in standard American aviation publications. I did this search several years ago and I searched the internet for non standard types of aviation magazines. What I mean by non standard is the ones not common in the US. American pilots are starting to check out foreign flying in larger numbers. The number of American expats is starting to get a little more in a world that was heavily dominated by Europeans and Aussies and even Canadians. I forgot most of my contact info but a judicious search should get you going in the right direction. Here are a few of the ones I vaguely remember. ( These are not current by any means, these are the ones I can remember ) In Japan there was a small Lear 45 operator, In Hong Kong there are several operators which include Priester aviation from the US, but I believe they are pulling out, In Macau there is Jet Asia, In Hainan they're is Deer Jet along with several operators in Kuala Lumpur. Aviation is ratcheting up in Southeast Asia and a thorough search should help you out. And by the way, your times would fit the proper hiring requisite for most of these operators for an SIC entry level position. Good Luck and don't give up. If I can remember anything else I'll PM you.
Seeking contract G5 G550 in Asia. Been working there over last few years, and seek a "full time" contract GiG, Any ideas... Bumz
Bumz--A friend just got hired in HKG for that new 550. Don't know if they're done hiring or not but sounds like a short-term deal for him.

I can check if you want. Hope you're doing well. TC
Asia is going gang busters in corporate and airline aviation. Climbto350.com has lots of listings. Also, try companies like Acass (acass.ca) and Jet-Professionals. Finding a job should be quite easy, finding one that's ideal might be a bit more difficult. Good luck!
Asia is going gang busters in corporate and airline aviation. Climbto350.com has lots of listings. Also, try companies like Acass (acass.ca) and Jet-Professionals. Finding a job should be quite easy, finding one that's ideal might be a bit more difficult. Good luck!

Don't waste your time with ACASS LTD out of Canada. They are truly one of the worst companies to work for. Substandard pay, poor working conditions, no job security, no medical, no pay during off days, no schedule, no overtime pay, and above all they will put your credit card and pilot license at risk for their gain.

Jet Aviation is a good outfit though.

Best of luck to you

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