How many check rides did you send this DE? How much did he charge them for a private check ride?
My point being, you would think that the DE that you sent students to for check rides would help you out a little bit since you helped the DE out. I'm sure you had a choice in which DE to send your students too when you were a active CFI. If you really need to save the money call the FSDO, it will be free, but of course you will have to make a appointment and travel to the FSDO. But...... as I said before I have never heard of anyone having a easy go at renewing at the FSDO. I would recommend Gleim if you choose to renew online or an AOPA seminar if you want to blow a weekend.
I sent him all of my students , and I took just about every checkride with him. When I went to him he charged 350. My last student that went to him was charged 400 which he said is now his normal rate!! All the DE's in the BWI/DCA area charge alot. I think it is a rip. Oh well, not much we can do. I guess we could always go to the FSDO.