Key Labor Market Statistics in 1996 and 2008 March 1996 March 2008
1. U.S. Unemployment Rate 5.5% 5.1%
2. Number of Long-Term Unemployed 1.33 million 1.28 million
3. Average Weeks Unemployed 17.3 weeks 16.2 weeks
4. Median Weeks Unemployed 8.3 weeks 8.1 weeks
5. Not in Labor Force because discouraged over job prospects 451,000 401,000
The sky is not falling.
Now, reach back into your stats file and find a time when the credit markets have been this dysfunctional.
Hint: Never in history.
After being frustrated by trying to find a parallel time, google 'dutch tulip mania.' It's ageless and the same stuff, just a bit different tweak.